Chapter 34

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"Where the fuck am I?" you groan. You lift your head to see a light floating above you, and you see white and blue walls. 'Fantastic... I'm captured...'

"Well, well, well look who's awake," the blu Thief said, stepping forward with a smirk on their face. Then they frown, "why are you not trembling?" They turn their head to the blu Scout, "shouldn't they tremble before us?"

The blu Scout shrugs while blu Sniper snicker.

The blu Thief turns their head to you, "why are you not scared!? You're captured and unarmed!"

You sigh, "tell me what's wrong with this picture?"

The blu Thief gives you a puzzled look, "what do you mean? I don't see anything wrong."

You would facepalm if it weren't for the ropes. "Clearly, this captured scene is a bit disappointing. Lots of cliche, especially with the light bulb hanging above me and this room is a bit dim. Don't even get started with the monologue stating, 'we'll finally defeat the Red Teams or whatever you're about to do to me.' You could have set the atmosphere in a better way, but I already expect the disappointment."

The blu Thief stared at you with disbelief while half of the blu team tried so hard not to laugh.

"Sad, but true," blu Sniper whispered to blu Scout.

"Shut up! All of you!" blu Thief yelled, then shot a glance at you, "you really think that you're funny and a smartass?"

"I know, I'm funny and smart, unlike you. You, egoistic bastard," you said, causing the blu team to burst out laughing while the blu Thief rage.

"Can someone get Medic? I think our Thief needs some ice pack for dat burn," blu Scout laughed.

"Why you little-" the blu Thief groaned and stumped on their way out, "keep an eye on them Sniper, make sure they don't do any funny business."

Blu Sniper nods while the blu team leaves the scene.


"Zief 'as been kidnapped!?" Spy said after he slammed his fist on the table.

"How could this happen!?" Heavy said while Soldier is screaming in the background.

"Soldier, can you stop screamin' like a freakin' moron?" Scout complained.

Soldier grabbed Scout by the throat, "I can scream whenever I want and HOWEVER I want!"

"Soldier, let the poor lad go. Chokin' him isn't going to bring 'em back," Demoman said.

"You're right Demoman!" Soldier said, letting Scout go.

"Ahem," Engie said, getting the red team's attention, "they messed with the wrong team," Engie said as he loaded up the shotgun. "How about we kick their assess and save Y/N?"

The red team nods in agreement, and they start to discuss the plan for their upcoming battle and figuring out how to rescue their teammate.


"I'm bored!" you whined, "I'm hungry! I need to go to the bathroom!"

Blu Sniper groans in frustration, "can you shut up in one minute!?"

"Sure," you replied.

Blu Sniper smirks until you start counting, causing him to sigh. "Why did I bloody agreed to babysit you when I could have done somethin' productive?"

"Because... professionals have standards?" you replied.

"Bloody hell..." blu Sniper whispered, "you're annoying."

Meet The ThiefOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora