Part 17: forget me not

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"Merlin gave me a revival seed, which have up to five different formations. The first to heal a minor injury. The second to heal one a bit worse the third to heal a  lost limb, the fourth to bring someone back if there body is intact and the fifth to bring back someone whose body you had lost" Morgan looked down at harlequin his father and sighed. King shook by it all continued to try and remove the dangers that held him down.

"Royal sword mariposa first form royal blade" the daggers lept up from kings hood forming back in to a orange and black sword Mohamed swiping the hilt from out the air.

" I'm going to use my teleportation to send you all back back to where you all should be. I'm sorry Lilly no wish for you!" He chuckled leaping backwards "are man really wanted to see my mom" Lillian leaped over to Morgan.

"Oh and dad? I'm sorry, but you won't remember even existed in this timeline not until I'm actually born. See you in a few years." Morgan smiled and king couldn't help but be reminded of helbram seeing that smile.

"Morgan... Morgan wait!!" "Sleep reset!" "Forget-me-not!" Before he could do anything each of the sins and there companions where swolled up up a green light and before he knew it he was back in the field with no memory of his son not even his name.

"Harlequin!" Helbram had stated a fire cooking some game that come in to the field. "Harley are you ok?!" King stood there his hand out stretched tears in his eyes by he had no clue why any more.

"I don't know I was... I was... shit I can't remember what I was doing!" "You went to help the sins but somehow you ended up back here" his body grew week as he leaned on helbram for support.

"You know now that I think about it there's a black space in my memory as well" he mumbled taking king back to the tent to rest. He slept through the night until the morning sun woke him up his memory of the day before completely gone and any mention of the names morgan la Fay or Lillian liones was wiped from all of there memory's.

rebirth of the lost (king x helbram)Where stories live. Discover now