Part 7: true form

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The battle was epic though a lot of fairy's lost there lives it was not In vain, harlequin had taken back his throne from ban bloody an broken because of it. He had seen helbram in that battle and seeing the body of his long past sister in the arms of the one she loved hurt because he might be able to talk to him but he can't hug helbram he can't give a playful slap when he told a bad joke he can't do anything. He stood there in awe of what he had down, he killed a demon's toy technically.

"Harlequin!!" A fimiler voice rang out making king turn at the mention of his name, there stood Morgan arms crossed floating just behind him with a judgmental expression.

"Morgan? What are you doing here?" King asked his voice cracking the last he saw of Morgan they where at that Lillian guy's house he thought the half breed went home.

"I'm not giving up on you I'm going to bring your friend back but I need the helm" the ginger held out his hand but king only flew back some thing weren't adding up if Morgan was half human half fairy his power level should be under 3000 but it wasn't it was 4500 he wasn't half human king wasn't sure if he was even a fairy since the old fairy to have that much power was himself.

"Who are you?" "Pardon?" "Your not half human you have to much power to be half human so who are you!?" Morgan's face darkened as he took his hand back.

"That doesn't matter your highness now give me the helmet or I'll take it"

"what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to make sure we both live because I know your on your last life line" his words messed with kings head 'make sure we both live?' He thought. King shook his head backing up more before flying off morgan didn't follow instead he just sighed and floated to the ground being met with Lillian.

"You tried and you failed"
"Shut up remember I only bright you because I thought you could help me kid of lust but I was clearly wrong"
"Oh gods I poked the bear to much" Lillian chuckled snaping his fingers as his appearance changed he looked younger now his hair turned to a brown faded to pink Viking braids on the side, his outfit was now more on the reviling side.

"I should have brought Lance instead" "Like your cousin has anything on me" Morgan rolled his eyes and started to walk away.

"If I die good luck getting home Lilly!"
"Hay you can't leave me!"
"Oh yes I can not like your dad will care!" Lillian growled running after his friend.

"No but my mom would!"
"Shut up"

(I just wanted to write morgan and Lillian being chaotic friends for a moment)

rebirth of the lost (king x helbram)Where stories live. Discover now