Part 12: who is morgan le fay?!

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"D-did you sister ever have kids" he asked getting a shake of the head in response.

"Nope plus that's my brother now they had a bit of a change"
"azzy never had kids?"
"Then who the hell is Morgan le fay!?" King was in shock azreal le fay helbram's younger sister now brother was the only other of the le fay family so it was impossible for Morgan to be le fay. helbram was just as shook not knowing what to do or say. This Morgan had to be an imposter of some kind.

"Who is Morgan?" Helbram asked not knowing himself.

"Shit right he's Merlin's student studying to be a necromancer he was trying to help me revive you an he had some strange methods of doing so" he shuddered remembering the doll lined work room. Helbram looked down and sighed.

"Let's just forget about that for now I want to know what's happened with you it's what been a two months since I died what's new?" He regained a smile looking back at king, he got up off of helbram and sat next to him.

"Well a lot happened Diane and hozer are together" "oh wow!" "Ya it was... eh for me" "well of course you liked her" "ya I DID but since you passed I realized I loved you more Heh guess distance makes the heart grow fonder. Um oh the Ten Commandments are back yaaaa but it doesn't seem like the captain needs me he can easily take them down." He pulled his leges under his jacket and up to his chest.

"Wow that's a lot" "ya you missed a lot Heh probably for the best though" king leaned on his shoulder "but I'm taking a brake right now" helbram put a hand on his old friend's head playing with his hair. They stayed like that for a good bit longer king getting tired again.

"You sleepy little bear" he mumbled as he once again held king some thing going through his mind. Helbram even though he couldn't leave the field wanted desperately to return with Harley and live out there lives but it just wasn't possible right now, he felt like he was in limbo not dead and not alive and yet he couldn't do anything about it he was as powerless as a baby human right now he couldn't even fly.

rebirth of the lost (king x helbram)Where stories live. Discover now