Author's Note

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Hello everyone, Mari here.
It feels just like yesterday that I started working on "Dragon's Keep," but I knew that this story had to come to an end at some point.

There were many struggles and challenges along the way.
We laughed, we cried, we even cringed a little. But it was all thanks to your warm (and funny) comments that I was able to complete this story.

I thought a lot about about what to write for the Author's Note, but there is so much I want to say that it'll take too long.
So I decided to answer some questions regarding the book.


Why did you make (Y/N) so reckless?
I wanted to bring out the saying "curiosity killed the cat." While curiosity is good in many circumstances, overdoing it can lead into trouble.

How big is Iris?
I saw a lot of confusion about this. While most dragons are as tall as mountains, other's can be the size of a human or even smaller.
Iris is about 11in long (8 for her body, 3 for her tail) and weighs about 8 lbs.
She may be small and light, but Iris is stronger than she appears to be.

Why did you choose Present Mic as the Bookkeeper?
In my head it made sense at the time. Present Mic's aesthetic just gives off the vibe that he knows what's going on around him and can gossip for days.

Why did you make Midoriya the villain?
When I was first writing, that idea was never a concept. However, I soon decided that it fit the story.
A friend who is a corrupted by the greed of helping is friends.

What exactly is the coming-of-age ceremony?
Bakugo explained this earlier in the story, but I wanted to clarify some points.
The ceremony is more of a celebration for men. It signifies the shift from childhood into manhood where they can now be in charge of their own decisions.

What exactly is the "adult rule"
In the kingdom, there is a law that is still being debated till this day. Does adulthood start at 16 or 18?
For centuries the kingdom as recognized children who are 16 as men and women. However, due to revolutionary changes over the years, this law is being debated to change.
You could say it is similar to when you turn 18 today.


Thank you all for the love and support you sent me through this journey!

I hope to return with a new story.

Thank you again and I wish you all happiness!


Dragon's Keep || Katsuki Bakugo x Reader (Fantasy AU) ||Where stories live. Discover now