Ch. 24 - Something's Not Right

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A few days have passed since the incident. The dragons have managed to rebuild their town that was destroyed by the fire. Security had also increased having their soldiers posted around the borders and entrance of the town and kingdom.

You had rarely seen Bakugo or Kirishima since you had awoken. From what you knew, Kirishima has been training the soldiers during the day and at night he is out patrolling the kingdom.

Meanwhile, Bakugo was upgrading the defenses whole making sure the kingdom was back to it's formal glory.

You, on the other hand, were going through your own little crisis. The wound you had inflicted managed to close up, but it still needed some time to heal completely. If it wasn't for Bakugo's mana you would have been long dead by now.

On the thought of mana, you had yet to feel any changes at all. You were still human, but there was no guarantee how long that would be for. You had the mana of a dragon. The transition would start sooner or later.

"Stole my mana, now you steal my spot."

Your attention was caught by the king as he opened the door to the West Cliffs. You gave him a small smile before looking back down at the kingdom before you. Something was wrong, and it was written all over your face.

He walked over towards you as he took his normal spot on the ground. He didn't look at you only joined as the two of you looked down upon the his kingdom.

"How're you holding up?' He asked which caught you a little off guard.

A small chuckle left you before you answered. "That's unusual."

"Huh? What is?"

"You worrying about me." You spoke smiling.

Bakugo scoffed before turning his head away grumpily. "I can just not!"

You laughed once more at his usual antics. "I'm joking. I'm fine, but my wound is irritating me a bit. It feels scratchy."

"Well, don't scratch it dumbass."

"I know that." You stated letting put a sigh.

The atmosphere became quiet for a moment before his crimson hues scanned the terrain around you. There was something missing. More like someone.

"Oi, where's the pipsqueak?" He asked causing your attention to shift back towards him.

"Oh Iris? She's with the maids." You answered. "I asked if they could look after her for a little bit while I clear my head."

Bakugo grunted taking in your response. The two of you sat next to each other taking in the scenery below. He's seen it so many times before but it always managed to capture his gaze. He wouldn't admit it either, but your company was nice.

Due to him being around the kingdom, this has been the first time Bakugo has seen you in a few days. He would be lying if he said he wasn't happy to see you walking around, but that only made the pit of his stomach grow wider. If you were up and about that meant the mana had taken ahold of you at some point.

As that thought hit his mind he couldn't help but be confused. The symptoms of the transformation hasn't taken ahold of you yet which was strange. By now you would have been a fully fledged dragon.

"Oi, show me your head." Bakugo ordered.

You yelped as his hands grabbed onto both sides of your head pulling you towards him. Your hands wrapped around his wrists as he began brushing your hair in different directions.

"Hey! What are you-" You were caught off guard as he suddenly lifted your head up towards his.

He brushed your bangs back causing your face to have a small sense of heat. His eyes remained glued to your head as his thumbs brushed back strands of hair.

Dragon's Keep || Katsuki Bakugo x Reader (Fantasy AU) ||Where stories live. Discover now