Ch. 21 - A Knightly Encounter

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The room was silent as you awoken. Yesterday you had expressed your worries to the Dragon King who surprisingly took it very well. After you explained your actions, he had taken the time to unfold his past to you.

You weren't sure what happened afterwards. You had waken up in your room the next morning with no one insight. Not even Iris was by your side.

Memories from when you had fallen asleep came clear in your mind. You had rested your head on Bakugo's shoulder only to doze off on it. If you had to guess, he had brought you to your chambers to rest properly.

A smile grew on your face, however your attention was caught by a faint squeaking. It sounded as though your companion was out playing, but with who?

You slipped on your satchel like you normally would before following the echoes of the creature.

The sound seemed to have lead you to the balcony that rested above the main hall where you spotted Iris running around with Kirishima chasing her playfully. Bakugo appeared to be resting on the sidelines watching this all unfold.

Due to your sudden slumber, Kirishima must have watched over Iris in your stead. Why Bakugo stood beside watching was a different curiosity.

As you made your way down the staircase, the red-head seemed to have spotted you before your companion did. He sat down in front of the frisky creature who looked to be more focus on tackling him.

"Look who's here to see you Iris." Kirishima pointed out.

Iris stoped her antics for a moment. She seemed confused, however that was quickly replaced with joy as your purple hues locked onto you.

In a blink of an eye, the small dragon launched herself towards you. Her wings spread out giving her the extra boost as her body slammed into yours. You fell back with a thud, but the pain you felt was pushed to the side as Iris began to nuzzle her face into your's, planting small kisses here and there.

You couldn't help but laugh at your friend's sudden affectionate action. She had tackled you just like she was trying to do with Kirishima, and it appeared you weren't the only one amused by it.

The ash-blonde king stood there with his hand over his smug grin. He stifled back a laugh which his keen partner caught. Kirishima smiled at Bakugo's small actions knowing full well that the tension between the two of you had been resolved.

"Hey (y/n)," Kirishima called out to you which moved your attention over to the commander.

"Bakugo said he taught you a thing or two about fighting. We were just about to head out to train. Wanna join?"

You let out one last laugh of amusement before sitting up with a smile. "Yeah. I could use the practice. Besides, it seems like this little rascal has the urge to play around."

Iris roared happily as you held her in your palms. She seemed to have agreed with your statement.

The two of you were entertained by the small creature. Meanwhile, Bakugo seemed to be a bit impatient. He walked over to open the door before looking back at the three of you one last time.

"If you don't hurry your asses up, I'm leaving with out you." Bakugo scolded which didn't take much for everyone to catch up.

The four of you made your way down the usual path towards the town. During the middle of the route you did your normally do. You pulled your hood over your head and opened your satchel for your small dragon friend to hide inside.

"Don't." Bakugo's voice stopped the two of your actions. "You'll be fine."

You couldn't help but be confused by his comment which the commander noticed.

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