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The vibrant green leaves began to crumble into an autumn hue. The summer heat that had washed over the land shifted into a cool fall breeze.

The wildlife that roamed the forest started their preparations for the upcoming winter. The birds that soared high in the sky sang their usual songs as they flapped their wings; the cold air nudging them south.

This was a sign of change. A sign of something new.

Your hues scanned the skyline with delight. The clear blue sky complimented the red and orange tones that scaled woodland grove. It was a beautiful sight, one you loved to see.

"Hey, wait up!"

Your daze was cut short as your attention shifted. Looking behind you, your eyes locked onto a pair. Kaminari and Mina sprinted towards you with tired groans.

"Man, you walk fast." Kaminari exhaled which caused you to chuckle.

Today was the monthly check in for the human trade routes and the cultural exchange between the kingdoms. You were put in charge of this task, though you saw it as a means of catching up with your friends.

Kaminari and Mina had offered to escort you on this journey. A knight for protection and an ambassador to aid you in your duties. Due to their extra aid, you were able to get everything done that you needed to. The three of you were heading back now with some gifts that Midoriya had prepared for you, Bakugo, and the rest of your friends.

"Sorry about that." You spoke with a smile. "I just want to make it home before sunset."

The two of them exchanged glances as you continued your walk. It was obvious by the look on their faces that they were trying to piece together some weird reasoning for your haste.

"Yeah right. We all know that you just want to get home to Blasty as soon as possible." Kaminari teased.

Maybe there reasoning wasn't so weird after all. If anything, they hit the nail on the head there. Due to this tedious task, you had to spend two full days conversing with the vanguard about possible future endeavors. You missed him more than you would admit.

"Come on girl. When are you going to put a ring on it?" Mina raised her hand up to point towards her finger.

You simply rolled your eyes in response. "That will happen when we're both ready." You heard them whine in response which allowed a smile to creep onto your lips.

It had been over a year since you had supposedly 'seduced' the dragon king. The two of you ruled over the kingdom together, continuing the peace. A not-so-normal human and a angry dragon ruling a kingdom. It was kind of funny when you think about it.

"Come on, you guys are basically married already. Why not make it official?" Kaminari questioned.

"Yeah! You two are together almost twenty four-seven." Mina chimed in.

You let out a sigh before replying. "We just haven't thought about that yet is all. Besides, even if we did plan on it, we aren't entirely sure how the kingdom would react."

Mina was a bit confused by your reasoning. "What do you mean? They'll be happy for you both."

"Yeah, but maybe more surprised." Kaminari joined in. "I mean, this is Bakugo we're talking about. It never crossed our minds that Blasty would even get a girlfriend, let alone be able to fall for someone."

You laughed at his statement as the two of you continued through the dragon territory. The more the topic went on, the more you wanted to say.

"There's just to much to take care of that marriage doesn't really cross our minds." You explained. "Bakugo is busy with kingdom affairs, and I'm to focused on making sure that the dragons have the equipment and knowledge they need for medicinal care. Not to mention my studies."

You let out a saddened sigh. There was so much on either of your plates that the thought of spending time together has become lost in paperwork. The only time you would see him was when you both happened to pass by each other in town.

Mina and Kaminari looked at your depressed form before shaking their heads. "I swear, you guys need a mental break." Mina spoke which caused you to raise an eyebrow.

"Are you kidding me?" Kaminari seemed shocked at your reaction. "You two are so focused on the kingdom and making sure that the peace is kept, that you both haven't taken time off for one another."

Mina nodded in agreement. "Yeah. You guys need a vacation."

"A vacation?" You mumbled back, pondering the thought.

They were right. It had been weeks since you and Bakugo had time to recuperate. Winter was approaching and soon the medicinal duties you had to uphold would come to a standstill. So would some of the kingdom affairs.

You smiled to yourself before shrugging at the idea. "Maybe one day. But for now my focus is to make sure that the humans and dragons can form a proper alliance."

As you continued walking, those words seemed to have put Kaminari and Mina into a froze state.

"What do you mean 'proper alliance'?" Mina questioned, catching up to you. But you didn't respond. You simply gave them a smile.

"You'll just have to wait and see."

"What?! That's not fair!" Kaminari cried out.

"Yeah! We want to know what this secret alliance is!" Mina pouted.

As the two of them tried to squeeze more information out of you, you came to a screeching halt.

You sensed something. No. You felt something. Something wrong.

Suddenly, you swerved your head to face the tree line behind you. Whatever had washed over you didn't sit right in your mind. Yet as you stared out into the dense forest, there was nothing.

"Hey, are you okay?" Your head shot back towards Mina as you felt her hand on your shoulder.

You weren't sure what had happened. Maybe your mind was playing a trick on you. After all, you had been struggling to sleep the past few nights.

"I'm fine." You spoke with a smile. Mina gave you a grin before your eyes shifted towards a screaming Kaminari.

"Hurry up you guys!" He hollered while waving his hand. "Last one there has to clean the stalls!"

"Hey that's not fair!" Mina whined before bolting after him. A laugh escaped you as you watched the sight before following their lead.

The echoes of the birds above sent a sense of peace through your mind. But as the autumn winds began to guide their way into their nested homes, the peace upon their branch was broken into a dark mystery.

A aquamarine gem glistened in the light as sharp inhumane eyes glared through it. He watched over the terrain and the people who walked upon it before whisking away into the shadows.

There was nothing left but silence.

To Be Continued...

Dragon's Keep || Katsuki Bakugo x Reader (Fantasy AU) ||Where stories live. Discover now