Ch. 10 - Impulsive Decisions

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The sun had gone into it's usual hiding place as the moon made itself known. The cool night breeze brushed against the leaves causing them to shake in a rhythm.

The atmosphere was tense as the king of the dragons stood at the entrance of his castle. His arms were crossed as he awaited for the upcoming battle to begin, but for now it was peaceful. No one there but himself, however that moment was short lived.

As time went on, the once dark environment started to glow a soft orange hue. Torches began to reveal the approaching men that portrayed features of their race. Some had wings while others had horns and a tail matching their distinctive colors.

Bakugo glared at the men as they froze in their tracks. Their eyes widened at the sight of their king standing before them.

"What is going on?" A husky voice demanded. "Why did you stop?"

A man with tied back black hair made his way in front of the group only to join their shocked expressions.

"So you're the shitty extra that challenged me." Bakugo spoke as he glared down at the presumed leader of the group. "You must have a death wish."

The man looked in slight fear before it quickly shifted into a cocky smile. "Well, it looks like our so called "Great King" finally wants to do something right for once."

Bakugo stayed silent as his irritated glare deepened which caused the dragon to snicker.

"No, a selfish king like yourself does not deserve to be our ruler."

"And you are?" Bakugo scoffed. "An extra like you couldn't rule an ant hill if he tried."

The dragon gritted his teeth as he pointed his torch towards him. "You'll regret you ever said that."

In that moment several of his men came forward, their wings spread out and their claws ready to strike. Bakugo's eyes narrowed as a devilish smirk grew on his face.

"I'm going to look forward to this."


The tears that previously attempted to make themselves known flowed down your cheeks as your head remained buried in the pillows that rested on your bed.

There were several emotions flowing through your mind, but it didn't matter which one it was. Your heart was torn apart either way.

The previous rumors you had heard before coming here started to play through your head. You didn't want to believe them, but at this point you were starting to believe that they were true.

You quickly shook your head as your wiped your tears away. Not all dragons were bad. It was their king that was self-centered and cruel.

Thoughts began to consume your mind once more as you felt the anger in you grow. If you never joined that stupid vanguard this wouldn't have happened. You would be out there seeing the world and still be in contact with your father. If this never happened everything would be going according to plan!

Your eyes widened as an idea popped in your head, and it had to be the most reckless one you ever had.

You sat up from the bed before shifting your gaze towards your belongs that rested near the changing divider. Seriousness crossed your features as you began to make your way in that direction.

You hastily slipped on your shoes before pulling your hood over your head, followed by your satchel. It was time you left this place.

As you marched over to the door and opened it, you were soon stopped by a sudden black blob that rested near the foot of the door.

Dragon's Keep || Katsuki Bakugo x Reader (Fantasy AU) ||Where stories live. Discover now