Ch. 17 - Rising Tension

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Time seemed to have froze as the faint sounds of dragons' roar and screams filled the air. The information that Kirishima had shared seemed to weigh heavily on the king's shoulders.

The humans have only managed to enter not even half a mile into his territory without having to fall back, so why now? Were they that desperate to get rid of him?

Bakugo couldn't help but grit his teeth at the thought. "How far?"

"About four miles."


As you stood there you couldn't help but feel lost. Something big was going on and you couldn't quite grasp the situation."Wait, what's going on?"

Bakugo was quick to respond, however his tone was different. The teasing cocky attitude he once shared with you was now replaced with his usually harsh closed-off tone. "Nothing, just go inside and stay there."

"What?" You couldn't help but feel offended. Was he being serious right now? "There's obviously something going on, so let me-"

"For once do what I damn say and get your ass inside!" He was quick to cut you off as he raised his voice. No, it was more than just raising. He had yelled at in a way he has not done to you before.

You were caught off guard by his enraged reaction. There was nothing going through your mind your body froze. Bakugo on the other hand spread his crimson wings and was ready to fly along with Kirishima.

"Let's go." He ordered.

The pair wasted no time to soar off the cliff they were standing on. You stood there with a scared Iris by your side. The occurring events started to settle in your mind along with worry.

They had left you, and all you could do was wait.


The constant cries of the dragons and knights were loud enough to make anyone's ears bleed. It felt like the group had been fighting for hours on end, but they have gotten closer then they've ever gotten before.

However, despite this fact something was not right. Something was off.

"Keep pushing!" The freckled boy yelled. "We can do this!"

The vanguard cheered in response, however there were a selected few that stayed hesitant. These fighters being the close friends of Izuku Midoriya.

Iida and Todoroki looked at their comrade with a slight sternness. It was obvious something was wrong. Deku had never forced his way into their territory this much before. It almost seemed like he would do anything to reach his goal, but that wasn't what confirmed it.

It was the fact the that despite all his men becoming more wounded and tired as time progressed, he never thought once about taking care of them. That was not the Deku they knew.

"We can't keep up like this." Iida whispered to a boy with two-toned hair. "At this rate there won't be an escape."

Todoroki nodded as their eyes never left Midoriya's form. "If anything happens pull the vanguard back."

"What?" Iida seemed a bit surprised by his suggestion. "But what about Midoriya?"

"Leave him to me." That simple line was enough to reassure the knight. Iida nodded to Todoroki before they both ran further into the battle. It was time to protect their men, whether Midoriya liked it or not.

Meanwhile, above the vibrant orange sky the wings of two dragonborn soared through the sky.

Their crimson hues scanned the terrain as the roaring of men and dragons seemed to inch closer and closer. Soon enough, their eyes locked onto the several warriors that seek to hunt them down.

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