Ch. 14 - Returning The Favor

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The high pitched sounds of the squealing creature filled the room as your fingers found their way onto her stomach.

Iris wiggled her feet happily as you began littering her body with tickles, which she enjoyed very much.

Yesterday you were hoping that a certain ash-blonde would be willing to show you around his own kingdom, but to your dismay he quickly disregarded your request.

You weren't sure if he still wanted to keep your restrictions or was just being plain stubborn. One thing was sure though; you were growing restless.

A sigh escaped your lips which caused Iris to raise her head in curiosity. You smiled before gently petting her. "Sorry Iris, I'm just thinking about something."

She looked at you for a moment before sitting up to look at you with her purple hues. As you looked at the small creature in front of you, one of your usual reckless ideas popped in your head.

"How about you and I go on an adventure?" You asked which caused the small black creature to jump up with excitement.

You chuckled at the sight before standing up to gather your belongings. This wasn't the first time you were acting on impulse. At this point it's a routine.

Once you slung your satchel over your shoulder, you walked over to Iris before picking her up. She began to squirm with anticipation which almost made you loose your grip.

"Hold on girl." You laughed before placing her into your dark leather satchel. "Let's get going shall we?"

Iris roared in response as you pulled the hood to your shoulder-length cloak over your head. For once you weren't afraid of leaving your chambers. With everyone knowing who you were, and Kirishima giving you permission, you were able to go anywhere in the castle with ease as long as it didn't belonged to Bakugo.

As you made your way out of the room and down the corridor, you wondered what you should do. You've pretty much explored the whole castle, well at least what you were able to.

There was always the option of going outside, however the rule Kirishima had set up for you was still in place. You couldn't go any farther than the staircase without Kirishima or the great Dragon King himself by your side.

Speaking of, you haven't seen Bakugo since the day prior. The heartfelt conversation the two of you shared was nice till he mentioned how terrible you looked. It's not like it was your fault.

You had pulled an all nighter after the attack to stable Bakugo's condition. He didn't even say a simple thank you,but what can you do? It was a new day and you managed to regain the the energy you had lost. You couldn't help but wonder if he had done the same.

As if on queue, your eyes caught onto a spec of red from the second story balcony. You watched as a recognizable ash-blonde opened the main door and headed out into the world.

"What is he up to?" You questioned as you stared at the door. "I thought he's supposed to be resting."

A squeal escaped the dragon's mouth once more which grabbed your attention. However, the moment your gaze shifted down to your satchel Iris had pounced out. You watched as she hastily flew down to the base of the staircase.

Shock froze your body in place before you realized what had happened. You quickly rushed down there as your little companion began to scratch on the front door. She made it well-known that her desire was to go outside, which didn't help your own.

Another sigh escaped your form as you made your way to her side. "Alright girl, but we have to be quiet." You placed your finger on your lips to emphasize your words. "If Bakugo sees us he'll send us back with a scolding at the very least."

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