Ch. 11 - Confrontation

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Red liquid stained the ground below as the ash-blonde gasped for air. Blood poured out from his forehead as he held his arm in pain.

The rebel smiled psychotically as he approached the fallen king. "Now look who's groveling at our feet." He spoke as he drew his sword, holding it to the ash-blonde's throat.

Bakugo only scoffed as he glared daggers at the traitor. "A shitty extra like you doesn't deserve to be cocky."

The man looked in shock as Bakugo suddenly lunged forward. The rebel took a stepped back trying to dodge, but there was no time.

Bakugo extended his claw like hand forward before slashing his enemy's chest in an upward motion. However, it wasn't long before a sharp pain pierced his skin once more.

His crimson hues darted next to him to see one of the rebel goons piercing his side with his claw. Bakugo was soon sent flying in the opposite direction as his back collided with the stone wall.

He choked out a groan as he felt all the wind get knocked out of him. He was loosing against these extras? No way in hell he'll let this happen.

The leader snickered as the king tried to pick himself up, but it was no use. He only had one working arm and his vision was starting to get fuzzy from the amount of blood loss.

Bakugo's eyes scanned his enemies as he began to figure out the best possible solution. He managed to take out a good chunk of them, however there was still that damn leader and his lackeys.

The rebel groaned in pain before standing up and walking towards the ash-blonde. Bakugo eyed him as traitor threw his sword to the side.

"I'm going to enjoy tearing you apart."He cooed as he arched his hand extending his claws outward.

Bakugo snarled at the man before spreading his wings. He was starting to grow tired of this extra looking down on him.

As he got ready to send himself forward once more, his plans suddenly came to a halt. The faint sounds of people began to emerge from the trees as torches began to illuminate the area.

Everyone's gaze shifted towards the commotion only to see the dragon folk making their way to see what battle was unfolding.

This was not apart of the plan.

The leader snickered as he now had a show to put on. He looked back towards their king with a sadistic glare. "I think it's time we end this, don't you think? Your highness..."

That was all it took to sent the king into a blind rampage.

The leader's cocky expression quickly switched to shock as Bakugo suddenly appeared in front of him. His hand clasped around his throat as the ash-blonde slammed him into the ground.

"You'll regret calling me that!" Bakugo snarled as he raised his hand up to strike.

He didn't care if his people were watching him, no one mocks him and gets away with it. But before he could he suddenly felt his back get clawed out.

He groaned in pain as the base of his wings began to be clawed out. Bakugo darted his gaze behind him only for the leader to shove him off and throw him to the side once more.

"Well look at that." The rebel coughed out as he held his throat.

He began to make his way to the struggling dragon as he tried to stand up only to fall to his knees once more. However, his enraged glare never faltered.

"Looks like our great king is all alone."

Bakugo scoffed as blood trickled down his skin. "From the looks of it you're the extra that needs his damn lackeys to finish the job."

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