
"She's fine, there's nothing to worry about." The doctor with the white blouse tucked into her skirt and her blue eyes holding each of us in place says. "She just got a bit-"

"Dr. Teresa?" A shorter brunette nurse rushes up to the doctor and reaches close, tapping her shoulder.

"Yes?" Doc turns around and finds the nurse, and they speak in murmurs. Alex clutches my hand and I soothe him, making circles with my fingers on his palm.

Uncle stands, while mom and dad sit on the bright blue chairs lined up in the bright white hallway. "Sorry, excuse me." Doctor passes us a smile and rushes to the emergency section.

The nurse makes her appearance, turns, and walks away, coming back after around a minute or so.

Alex's POV

I sit down, dragging Jenna with me as I wait. I need to see my mom. I just need to see her face, hug her, kiss her forehead and rest my head in her lap. I need her. The loss in my heart is so big, and I wonder how I will feel when.. She's gone. For real.

Shaking my head, I glare straight ahead . "I'll be back from the restroom, alright?" Jenna's mom informs and I nod, letting her leave.

"Jenna, you wanna go too?" I ask her. She nods and we give her dad and my dad a look saying 'we'll be back' and leave.

"I'll grab something for everyone to eat." I tell her and leave her at the bright blue doors of the women's room. Just then, i bump straight into a hard chest.

I look up, seeing a face I would regret seeing for my entire life. "What the-" he first starts, and then he pauses for a long time once he sees me, his blue ice cold eyes pinning me in place.

I decide to leave, and as I step forward, he twists my arm around. "Hey, where you going?" He mentions. I shrug.

"Nowhere, just timmys."

"I need to show you something, asshole." He grunts, taking me along with him.

We reach a white door and he stops, reaching for it. "You better see this." He shoves me inside and stays outside.

It takes a minute for me to process this. But I still do. Because lying there, open, is Liana.

Her eyes are closed, her long lashes taking over her face, and her pink lips are parted. Her long brown hair is neatly spread across her white pillow. "Liana?" I stiffen.

She stirs, opening her eyes, only to close them once again. "Liana!" I shout, racing up to her. Those eyes, they open and look at me.

"A-Alex?" She throws her arms around me and her bandage on her forehead explains something.

"Liana.. What happened?"

"What? What happened?" She looks around. "Where am I?! Why are we not.."

Her brother steps in, inching me away from her, and speaking to me in a hush tone as Liana panics. Even through her panic, I can hear he brother carefully. "Look what you've done to her. She was psycho when you left, and didn't contact her. She was psycho when we left her. But now I know, it was all your damn fault.

She was in a car accident and she has memory loss, the only person she remembers is you. That's the only reason I brought you here." He explains, his blue eyes piercing.

"It's not my fault, " I start to mutter before I hear Liana call me again. Her wide blue eyes, brown hair, thin shoulders, I remember everything.

He drags me away, out the door, as Liana shouts. He slams it and corners me, causing me to stiffen. "Now it's your turn to suffer-"

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