All day sickness

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tw; sickness in the scene - not even detailed, just thought i'd put this here
i promise it's okay! - mer's colleges take care of her - it's so sweet!

-You okay, Grey? You look pale. - Mark asked me.
-Mhm. - i mumbled, as i felt like i was gonna puke in the OR. Very professional.
-Sure? - he asked me again, not so convinced, looking at me. I felt Bailey's eyes on me too.
I shook my head slightly, showing him my true point.
-Go! - he told me. I quickly handed over the tools which i was holding to a nurse, and ran out of the OR, with big steps, not being sure whether i will or won't make it to a bathroom. The first thing i reached was the attending's lounge, and as soon as i got in, nausea overtook me, and i stooped over the bin in the corner, kneeling on the ground. I kept my feet on it's pedal, so it wouldn't close. As my tiny breakfast came out of me with a force i didn't even know lived in me, i closed my eyes, trying to get to the end sooner.
-Whoa. - i heard a deep voice behind myself. I didn't even notice somebody was in the room, as i searched for the bin earlier.
-It's nearly over. - i felt a pair of hands pulling the hair out of my grip, taking it out of mine, helping me with it. I moaned uncomfortably as i had to lower my head again, so my face was near the bin, spilling the contents of my stomach in it.
-It's fine now. - I discovered Arizona's voice, as she kept stroking my back. No wonder she is a pediatrician. When i was only coughing over the bin, but nothing came up anymore, she pulled me back, holding my shoulders. I rested my back to the wall, with closed eyes.
-Karev, open the window for her. - she asked Alex.
-Do you feel better? - she squatted down next to me. I nodded my head slightly. I was feeling better, but it wasn't over. I was still too nauseous, and my stomach didn't stop turning over yet.
-Can you stand up? - she asked me kindly, and i shook my head.
-Not over...yet. -i mumbled, and saw Alex handing her a small, wet towel.
-We need to get you to the bathroom then. - she wanted me to stand up, but probably not in the best moment. She immediately noticed the change on my face, and stepped on the pedal, the opener of the trash can. She held my hair again, as i hung on to the two sides of the bin. As a little escaped my stomach again, i didn't even know where it came from. My body was trembling from the power it took me to not to collapse.
-Hey! - i heard a voice again. Chief. Crap! Not now. It ran through my brain. As he noticed us, he immediately questioned Arizona, stepping closer, but my face was still unseeable, because i started coughing again.
-What happened?
-She's.. - she started, but stopped.
-Meredith. Is it over? - she asked me, stroking my back again, as i fell back against the wall. She let the top of the bin fall down, disguising what just came out of me.
-Mhm. - i kept my eye closed, barely even able to sit.
-Good. We'll go to the bathroom, okay? - she helped me up, and i let her hold my shaking hands.
-I...need to sit down. - i mumbled, stepping towards the couch in there. Arizona let me, and i hopped down.
-Thanks. - i heard and then felt a cold towel wiping my eyes and my mouth.
-Karev, could you get her some water, please?
-No water. - i asked her.
-Yes, water. You need to hydrate after that. It was too much. - Alex handed me a glass. I accepted it, and took two sips of it, handing it back.
-Drink it. - he declined it. I took another sip, and forced it to stay down.
-Is Shepherd out of surgery yet? - Arizona turned to Richard, who was standing there confused.
-No. Not yet, but soon. Is she ill?
-No. - Alex answered.
-Meredith, why were you sick?
-Pregnant. - i mumbled again, after they finally let me give them the glass.
-W..What? You are pregnant?
-Mhm. - i sighed leaning back on the couch.
-Congratulations! - he smiled wide.
-Thank you, chief. - i put together a sensible sentence.
-I'll page Shepherd when he is out of the OR here. - Richard stated.
-I...I need to go back...Bailey is waiting for me..- is stood up, after gaining my balance back.
-No. You're staying here for 10 minutes. Until you get a bit color. - Arizona switched to doctor mode.
-I...okay. - i agreed.
-Thank you. - i turned to her gratefully, that when Derek couldn't, someone took amazing care of me.
-Congratulations, Meredith! - Richard came close, and hugged me. I hugged him back.
-Thank you.
-How far along are you?
-10 weeks.
-And morning sickness is still this bad? - Arizona turned to me.
-They should call it all day sickness. - i chuckled.
-Maybe it's a boy. With boys women have more sickness.
-Maybe. - i smiled as my hand slipped over my stomach, and Arizona was still keeping the towel on my forehead.
-Are you okay, Mer? - Derek entered.
-Yeah. - i smiled at him. I could smile again.
-Did it happen again? - he stepped closer quickly, sitting down on my other side, immediately pulling me close to himself, stopping my shaking with just his touch.
-Pretty bad. That's a picky eater baby you have in there. - Arizona joked.
-Thank you. For helping her.
-Anytime. - she offered a smile, taking the towel away.
-I'm sorry. - i looked into her eyes.
-For what?
-You had to be... doctory in your break..When you were supposed to - i started but she interrupted me.
-I just helped you. And i'll do it again, if it comes to that. - she waved bye, and exited. I felt Chief's eyes on us, as Derek's hand held my stomach.
-Congratulations for you too Derek!
-Thank you!
-Uhm...We'll have a party. Sometime. For the baby. We'd like you to come. - i squeezed Derek's hand, mentioning the baby shower we talked about.
-I'd be happy to. - he accepted it.

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