Stretchy bottoms

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I was in the bathroom, pulling on my scrub top and scrub pants, after i took them out of my locker.
-I cannot believe this! - i shook my head as the pants didn't come up to my stomach.
-Shoot! - i sighed as i ripped the back a little. But the top was worse. It was up to my belly button and squeezing my boobs. I had no idea what i should've done. So i took my pager out of my pocket quickly, suffering from lack of time. I typed 911 to Christina. And Izzie. And Lexie just in case. Bathroom 2nd floor. I sat down onto the toilet's seat, and rested my head in my hands, while waiting for them.
-What happened? - a door flew open, and i heard Christina's and Izzie's voice in sync.
-Is the baby hurt? - my cell door flung open.
-How the hell did you open that? I closed it! - i questioned Christina.
-Why are you in panties? - Izzie asked me.
-I need help. Derek's in surgery.
-Wow, i think you haven't worn a shirt this revealing since college! - Christina burst out in laugh.
-Stop laughing! My clothes don't fit!
-Oh, you're so pregnant!
-You popped overnight! Your bump is so cute! - Izzie stepped closer, touching it.
-Yeah, really cute! It ripped my scrub bottoms!
-Yeah, are you surprised? You used to wear the smallest size! - Christina shrugged her shoulders, still laughing.
-I have a surgery in ... 8 minutes! - i looked at the clock.
-I need help! - i freaked out.
-Calm down! - Christina assisted me.
-If Shepherd finds out you're stressed he'll kill us! - she added.
-I don't have clothes! - i continued and a tear appeared in my eye.
-Damn it Mer, stop crying! - she scolded me.
-I can't control it! - i started crying harder, falling apart.
-Shhs, it's okay! - Izzie pulled me into a hug, and threw Christina a disapproving look.
-Are you okay? I came as soon as I - Lexie entered, but her mouth fell open from what she saw.
-What happened? - she asked for an update from Christina.
-Scrubs don't fir cause she popped overnight and emotional.
-I am not emotional! - i opposed while Izzie handed me a tissue.
-Oh, you're crying..
-Lexopedia, get her the stretchy scrubs, she has a surgery in five minutes. - Christina sighed.
-Meredith, wash your face, and take of that top, it's painful to look at that. - she added.
As i pulled the top of, Lexie was back with my new set.
-They didn't have any bigger shirts! - she stated as she gave me the bottoms.
-What? - i couldn't believe it.
-What size are you? - Izzie turned to Lexie.
-Oh god, why are you all so small? - Izzie sighed, as she quickly took off her sweater and top, leaving her in a bra.
-Put it on! - she handed me her scrub top.
-Thank you! - i took it gratefully, and it fit me. Not perfectly, but okay. It covered me. And my shirt covered Izzie. Bit tight, but at least she didn't look like a slut.
-Now run! Bailey is gonna be angry because you have exactly a minute to get there! - they encouraged me, and i passed my earlier clothes to Lexie.
-What were you wearing before? - she giggled out.
-I need to do some shopping. Thank you! - i hugged Izzie quickly, all ready to run. But i tripped. Because of the lengths of the pants.
-Oh God, no one is clumsier than you. - Christina kneeled down, to fold the bottom of my pants up, revealing my converse.
-Now go!
-Thanks! - i smiled running to the OR. I was only one and a half minutes late when i entered the OR in gloves, scrubbed in.
-Dr.Bailey, i'm sorry i am late and
-It's okay.
-Really? - i raised my eyebrow surprised.
-Yes. In case it won't happen again. - her eyes explored my baggy outfit, but she didn't say a word.
-We are starting just now. - Mark sat down on a chair, near the patient's head.
-Good. - i stepped closer too, examining if the man was prepped properly.
The surgery was going great. Patient hasn't crushed once, and i was doing everything like it was written in a course-book. But of course, things can't go always perfectly. Or like never. When we were already doing the surgery for three and about a half hours, i felt that i was standing. Probably too long. And that my breakfast was just a piece of toast, because that was all that went down in the morning. My mouth was dry, and i felt dehydrated. I moved my toes in the shoes, to wake them up a bit, and licked my lips to wet them. But the surgery wasn't even close to over. We still had minimum an hour till the end. And i was managing it like a hero. Nearly until the end. Okay, after twelve minutes, i felt the instant need to sit down, and my back was killing me. However i just straightened it, determined to be here until the patient is closed up. But when Mark started using a skin graft masher, and the strange smell of the procedure kept creeping into my mask, making it hard for me to breath normally, i started taking air through my mouth. Bad idea. Horrible idea. It only worked for a minute. Because in the next, i had to breath and swallow at the same time, which didn't seem to pair well. So i took a big breath through my nose. Which made my stomach flush, and make a jump. It's okay. Keep it down. I encouraged myself, feeling nauseous. Please, baby, make it through the surgery. - i shot a look towards my stomach. I closed my eyes for a brief second, ruling everyone out. People, smells, scenes, everything. But it didn't convince my baby. I shifted uncomfortable, as my stomach made another turn, creeping upper.

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