21. November-December 2021

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When parliament met at the start of November, it was a welcome change to see masks worn across the Tory beaches. Not only to conceal the sinister, inbred faces that filled it, but to prevent further spread of the virus (which the party had become quite accomplished in doing). This was not of course a development of common sense, but because they literally had to be told to by the parliamentary authorities.

Now the concerns had turned to a new variant: Omicron, thought to be the most transmittable yet. UK cases had surpassed 10 million, and as two cases of the new variant arrived in the country, plans were made for some measures to be reintroduced next month.


Both having to be in Westminster the next day, and wanting to make the most of their time before the return of the mask mandate, Priti and Liz were spending the night together after an evening of Christmas shopping.

Liz was in the garden, laying out pillows and blankets as Priti carried out a tray of hot chocolate and snacks. It was not yet midnight, but the sky was completely dark and covered by stars.

"Are you cold?" Liz asked, as they got comfortable under the blankets.

"A bit." Priti said, and Liz pulled her closer. "Do you know any of the constellations?" She asked, as they stared up at the sky.

"No. I thought you would."

"Why?" Priti laughed.

"I don't know. Because I didn't?"

"Right. Well I don't know anything."

"I guess we'll just lay in silence then." Liz joked.

"No, we can talk about something else." Priti nudged her gently, still smiling.

"Okay..." Liz paused, questioning if now was the right time. "How are you, with your sexuality and everything?"

"I didn't mean talk about that." Priti said with a slight laugh, but her voice was sad.

"Okay." Liz said, and moved her hand to stroke Priti's cheek. Then, after a moment of silence, Priti began to speak.

"I want to talk to you but I don't know what to say. I can't articulate things that I don't understand myself."

"Can you try?"

"I- I feel...better. I've accepted it, but, I don't feel it really matters to me. Or if it's even a big part of who I am."

"That's okay. It doesn't have to be."

"I just- my sexuality...it's you. If you weren't here I wouldn't be dating some other woman right now."

"I understand." Liz sighed. "But listen, how you see yourself can't be based on me. I know it's a process, and I'm proud of where you are now, but think about it, okay?"

"Okay." Priti agreed, and kissed her.


They awoke to Priti's alarm the next morning, groaning as they looked out at the grey sky.

"Morning." Liz whispered, as Priti rolled over to kiss her, her eyes dark and tired. Liz stopped her as she began to sit up.

"I'll make breakfast this morning." She said, putting a hand on Priti's shoulder before heading downstairs.


By now they were walking through London, the cold weather giving them an excuse to walk arm in arm, as they spoke happily.

Then Liz stopped suddenly, bringing them both to an abrupt halt.

"What is it?" Priti asked with concern, as she looked at Liz's horrified expression.

liz truss x priti patel: the complete storyWhere stories live. Discover now