10. July 2020

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By July, social distancing had been relaxed, restaurants and hotels re-opened, and two households could now meet indoors. Therefore, it was with renewed hope that people reunited under the summer sun, as life appeared to have returned to normal (or at least they pretended).

With Alex agreeing to be out the house, Liz went to spend the day at Priti's.

"Liz, you're here!" Priti said excitedly. She was almost finished making lunch for the both of them, and quickly washed her hands before walking to the hallway where Liz was hanging up her coat. They embraced and Liz kissed her deeply.

"It's so good to finally be alone with you." She said quietly.

"I know. How are you?"

They sat on the sofa together, their hands interlocked, barely able to keep apart as they caught each other up.


"Hold on, I'm getting a call."

"That's okay, I'll start on dinner, is that alright?"

"Yes, thank you." Liz smiled as she answered her phone and took it to the hallway. Priti went to the kitchen and began cooking with the ingredients she'd got out that morning.

"Everything okay?" Priti asked as Liz returned.

"Yeah, it was just Hugh asking when I'd be back."

"What did you say?"

"Late." Liz grinned.

"Good. I'm almost finished." Priti said, as Liz walked around the counter.

"Do you need any help?" She asked, standing behind Priti, as she wrapped her arms around her waist.

"I'm okay." Priti said breathlessly, as she turned slowly around, her lips meeting Liz's.

Liz moved her hands up to her face, running them through her hair and down her body, reacquainting herself with its feeling.


Summer continued, and as the country grappled with the disappointment that lockdown wouldn't be eased further, Rishi announced his new scheme.

"As I keep saying," He told the cabinet, "We need people out of the house and spending money to boost the economy. But we also know that people are struggling with money or have worries around leaving the house, so this should give them some incentive to do that."

Everyone in their right mind knew that the scheme was bizarre, and spending government money on restaurant discounts was an insane way to use funding. But the government were desperate for good press, and if that meant paying for someones Nando's, that is what they would do.

"Marvellous, Rishi! Makes a nice change for the meeting not be such a downer!" Boris exclaimed. "And remind us what the scheme's called?"

"Er, Eat Out to Help Out."

Liz snorted with laughter, suddenly stopping herself as she saw everyone was straight-faced and staring at her.


After another week of stress and humiliation, Priti and Liz decided to make the most of the Eat Out to Help Out scheme and go out for dinner. But as they sat browsing the menu in the busy restaurant, they could feel eyes on them. The wound their government created had still not healed, and why should it?

"Should we leave?" Liz said, looking around at the resentful stares.

"Yes, come back to mine, we can have dinner with Alex." Priti suggested as Liz nodded, swiftly leaving the restaurant and walking to Priti's car.

liz truss x priti patel: the complete storyWhere stories live. Discover now