15. January-February 2021

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In the last days of December, the situation had only worsened. Britain had reached its highest number of daily deaths and cases after a consistent increase from Christmas, and tier 4 restrictions were extended to other parts of the country.

Now, Boris was speaking to Gavin Williamson, to discuss the return of schools.

"The teaching unions have warned primary school teachers not to go back." Boris said.

"Yes, well, they're always trying to get the teachers out of work." He replied bitterly, angling his camera to show the tarantula sat on his desk.

"Well- I, I agree with you on that Gavin. But that doesn't mean the teachers won't listen." Boris wavered, slightly unnerved by the sight of the spider.

"But Boris! You said, only a few days ago, 'there's no doubt in my mind that schools are safe'. That's what you said!" He cried petulantly.

"Gavin, Gavin! Settle down! You know what this mean's don't you?" He lowered his voice slightly. "Close the schools now, and you'll be the one to bring them back."

"I-" Gavin went to retort, almost on reflex, but he realised what Boris was saying was true.

"And get a chance to redeem yourself after last year. Do exam results right."

"Yes well, I suppose." Gavin calmed, and Boris smiled in satisfaction.

"Who's your little friend?" Boris asked with a tone of condescension, pointing at the spider.

"Oh, this is Elizabeth." Gavin grinned.

"Elizabeth! Is that a family name, or-"

"No, as in the Queen."

"Oh, right, okay." Boris furrowed his brows. "Well, talk to you soon Gavin, cheerio!"


In further embarrassment for the government, another lockdown was announced on the 4th, only a day after Keir Starmer demanded one.

Liz put her head in her hands as she watched the live announcement, on the phone with Priti as she did. They both knew it was coming, but now, there was no escaping it. And with London having long been in tier 4, they couldn't even say goodbye.

"God, is this going to go on forever?" Liz lamented, failing to recognise that the need for a third lockdown was down to her government's error.

"Boris said this is just the final push, okay?" Priti tried to say reassuringly, though she picked at her nails anxiously as she spoke.

"I know. I know."

"And listen, I know there'll be uncertainty, but not for us. We'll know when the lockdown ends way before the public does, because we'll be part of making it happen. You have more power than most people in controlling the narrative."

"You're right." Liz was partially comforted by this comment, and her breathing began to settle. "I'll miss you."


A week into the lockdown, and Liz was already struggling.

Though they lived together, their jobs and dislike for each other meant she only saw her husband alone for a few hours a day. Even still, she couldn't bear his presence.

"I was thinking about you today, and I remembered the time we-" Priti told her down the phone.

"Ugh, Hugh is being so loud in the next room. Can you hear that?" Liz interrupted. "God, he always does this. He's so infuriating."

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