"You're a dick Leonardo." She says, tears now rolling down her face. It wasn't long until I crushed my lips against hers. Pulling her body closer to mine, I cup her ass with one hand, the other snakes around her waist. Her hands reach up to my neck, wrapping around. I feel her tip toeing to bring herself closer to my height. I feel her moan against my lips before pulling away. 

She looks at me with hope, but she shouldn't be looking at me like that. "You should leave." I say, seeing as her expression changes to confusion and then anger. 

"I hate you." She whispers before walking out the office. 


"Why did you call me here?" Micah says as he walks up to me at the bar. "I have a birthday party to go to." 

"I didn't want to be alone." I say, chugging the glass of whisky. 

"Well call someone else, because Alexandria will be mad if I don't show up." Micah says, turning to leave. 

"I kissed her." I blurt out as he stops on his feet and turns around. 

"Spill." He squeals, taking a seat beside me. 

"I'm falling for her Micah," I confess. 

"I'm so happy for you." He sings. 

"Don't get your hopes up, I told her to leave after kissing her and now she hates me." I sigh taking another swing of the whisky. 

"Don't give up." Micah says. "Come to the party." 

"I can't face her Micah." 

"Oh come on, don't be a pussy." He jumps up, bumping into a guy. 

"Watch it." The man growls. 

"I'm sorry." Micah shyly says. 

"Fucking gay bitch." The man mutters. 

"The fuck you just said." I stand up, face to face with the man. 

"I said he's a gay bitch." He says, walking closer to me, his head inches below my eyes. 

It isn't long until I throw a punch at his face, he looks back at me, blood oozing out of his nose. He throws punch at me, but I'm able to duck it and throw him into a head lock. "Apologise." I say, strangling the guy. 

"I'd rather eat my dogs shit." The man says and laughs, I look to where he's laughing, seeing a group of men walking closer to us. 

"Oh fuck." Micah says. 

One man throws a punch to my head, before more start coming my way. My vision blurs as the men surrounding me punch me repeatedly in the face as Micah stands behind them, recording. 

"Hello?" I say through the phone, as I heard a sob, "Alex are you okay?"

"No," She cries..

"I'm coming, hang on Principessa, I'm coming to get you." I say, grabbing my keys and running out of the house, "Stay on the phone with me Principessa." All you could hear were her sobs, I sped through the roads.

It wasn't long until I spoke through the phone again, "baby, I'm outside." I say to her through the phone, minutes later the faceless girl runs out of a house, into my arms "It's okay, I'm here now."

"Leo fight back." Micah says, but my vision begins to blur again. 

 "You're mine, not his." I Whisper into the faceless girl's ear. 

"Let go of me." she says, trying to get out of my grip. 

"Never Principessa, you're mine." I say. 

"Me and Mateo will go first against Aria and Aiden, winner stays on." Valentina says. We all move to one side, Lavender counts in and we all watch as Aria and Valentina fight, trying to push each other. It doesn't take long and Valentina finally pushes Aria off of Aiden's shoulders.

Lavender and Carter go next, against Valentina and Mateo. "I love this bikini on you." I say into her ear as I softly bite her ear. my hands went up her thigh,  "I don't like to be teased principessa." She let's out a soft moan as my finger skims her bikini bottoms. "Already wet for me."

"Leo s-stop." she moans out.

"You're mind is saying that but your body is telling another story." I say, slipping my fingers into her bikini bottoms, rubbing her clit. "Watch them, don't take you eyes off of them otherwise I won't let you cum." 

"Micah, I'm remembering." I yell at him as another punch is thrown my way. 

"What?" He says in confusion. "Oh, Punch him harder." He encourages the men. 

"Principessa, please let me explain." I say as my eyes meet her tear filled ones. 

"No." she yells at me, "You don't get to call me that, you lied Leo, you lied to me."

"I wanted to tell you, I promise, I just-"

"No, You used me Leo, you used me in order to get my father's company. I told you everything, I trusted you, but I guess everything was a lie." The faceless girl turns around in hopes to get away from me, but I grab her arm, pulling her closer to me. she faces me again and the face clears up. Showing Alexandria's face. 

"Alex please, let me explain everything." I say, tears also rolling down my cheeks. 

"No, I don't want to hear it. You wanted my father's company Leo, you got that. You wanted a divorce after you achieved that, so you'll get your divorce."

"Alex, no." I run after her.

"Leo, leave me alone, I don't want you here. I don't want you anywhere near me."

"Alex please don't do this." my voice cracked.

"I hate you so much Leo. Don't contact me, my lawyers will send the papers." She says walking away from me. 

I slip out from the man's grip, running towards Micah, and dragging him out of the Bar. "I remember her Micah, I remember everything." I say. 

"Let's go get her." 

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