Chapter 35

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It had been days since my principessa found out, I was going to tell her but it had completely slipped my mind. Ever since I had received the divorce papers from her I had contacted her, I even showed up a few days to the studio where they were recording music. I listened to her singing the song, knowing she had written it about me. She had written about how I had left her alone to cry in the rain. 

I hadn't ever felt the way I did for her with anyone, I had no idea what to do in that moment. I was clueless, so I left. I called my sister to collect her and I left her. I tried to explain myself many times but she didn't listen, not once. But I understood why. She didn't even find out the news from me, she found out from instagram. 

I had asked Valentina to speak to her, get Alex to listen to me. But Alex was stubborn, she had always been stubborn since I had met her. I couldn't stop thinking about her, her smile, her eyes, the way she laughed. I had completely fallen for her and now she has thought otherwise. Forget fallen, I was madly in love with her and I had now ruined what I had with her. I had been falling for her since the day I saw her attend my family's ball and she was performing. Ever since I had heard her angelic voice as she sang. She always took my breath away. 

"What are you thinking about?" Mateo says cutting me out of my thoughts. "Maybe you should try something rather than sitting her and drinking alcohol." 

"Provai."(I tried- please tell me if this is incorrect) I slammed the glass onto my desk, "I apologised, I got her the car she wanted. I tried everything." 

"Buying her a car is not going to solve the fact that you used her." He tells me. 

"I don't know what to do anymore." I covered my head with my hands. 

"You will need to think about that fratello (Brother), it must come from the heart." He tells me. 

"Mateo I've been looking everywhere for you." The sound of my office door slams open, revealing Micah. 

"I've been here with Leo." Mateo tells him. 

"I've got gossip." Micah squeals like a girl. 

"I'm here too." I cut into their conversation. 

"Mateo, would you please tell that man over there not to talk to me." Micah says to my brother. 

Mateo turns towards me, "He says not to talk to him." 

"The fuck did I do?" 

"Mateo would you tell the man that because of him I haven't seen my best friend." Micah says again. 

"He says you-"

"I can literally hear him." I cut Mateo off, "I thought I was your best friend." 

"Not after you broke Alex's heart you're not." Micah scoffs. 

"Whatever dude, your loss." I tell him. 

"Excuse me, what do you mean my loss?" Micah sasses. 

"You're excused, now leave." I tell him. 

"No bitch." Micah says again, making himself comfortable on the couch in my office. 


I switched my phone off completely as I sat here at the edge of the cliff. It was currently night, I had wanted to get away from work and be alone, so I drove until I found this place. I looked up at the Constellations, remembering all the stories my mother had told me when I was a child. 


"Tell me a story mama." I say to mama as she tucks Mateo and I in bed. 

"Okay, this story involves a few constellations, Perseus, Andromeda, Pegasus, Cassiopeia, Cepheus and Cetus. Perseus was the child of Zeus and a human called Danae. He was most famous for killing the snake-haired monster, Medusa. Perseus had married a woman called Andromeda, who was a princess. she was also the daughter of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia" Mother began. "Perseus and Andromeda had met when the Gods had chained Andromeda to a rock, which was to be eaten by Cetus, who was a sea creature." 

"Why would the God's do that mama?" Mateo asks. 

"Because Cassiopeia was a ver vain person and she had claimed to be even more beautiful than the Nereids, the daughters of the sea-God Poseidon." Mama replies to Mateo's question. "One day, Perseus, was flying home on his Winged horse, Pegasus. He had a bag on him, which contained the head of Medusa. Perseus came across Andromeda, he made a deal with Cepheus and Cassiopeia, that if he managed to save their daughter from the monster, he would win the right to marry her."

"What happened next mama." I say. 

"Patience my son," Mama says, " Unfortunately, after Pursues fought the monster, he had found out that Andromeda was to marry another man. The two men began to fight over the princess' hand. Perseus pulled out medusa's head, which turned the man into a stone. Him and Andromea lived happily ever after. When they finally died, the Gods placed them, the horse and Andromeda's parents in the sky as a lesson." 

"That was a beautiful story mama." Mateo says. 

"When will I have my Andromeda?" I ask mama. 

"The day will come when you boys find your princess, the day you fall in love with her, you will know she is your soulmate." 

(This story was found online but I had changed it into my own words.)


I stepped back into my car, and driving away from the cliff. I knew exactly where I was going. I drove all the way back to the city. Stopping outside a tattoo shop. I knew Alexandria was my soulmate, I felt everything for that girl. I knew exactly how I was going to win her back. 

"Hey Leonardo." James says, as I head into his tattoo studio. 

"Hey man, it's been a while." I say, shaking his hand. 

"Come sit." He says, I show him a picture of what I wanted, unbuttoning my shirt so that he could get to work. I was completely immune to the pain, I had multiple tattoos, I didn't feel a thing. 

"And done." James says, He holds up a mirror, showing me the small crown on my chest, on top of my heart, with the name Alexandria written under. I was deeply in love with her, she was someone I held very close to my heart. "I hope she's worth tattooing on your body." 

"She's worth more than that." I smile at him. I hand him the $200 dollars. 

"You always give me more than what the actual price is." James laughs. 

"It's fine, keep it." I say, rushing out off the studio and back into my car. 

I pull my car into drive and make my way onto the road again, I pull my phone out of my pocket, dialling Alexandria's number. The roads were empty so I began speeding, I wasn't going to waste another moment away from her. Her phone kept going to voicemail. I looked down, quickly typing her a message. But suddenly I felt something hit me from the side. Causing my car to flip upside down multiple times. 

I could hear the sounds of people screaming, calling for help. "Alexandria." I whispered before everything went black. 

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