Chapter 37

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Everyday before having to head over to Moretti Inc. I made sure I visited Leo. Everyday I spoke to him, begging him to wake up, begging him to come back to me. I wanted so deeply to tell him I loved him. Everyday Mateo would pick me up from mine and Leo's penthouse and would drive me to the hospital and then he would drive me to the company. 

I was currently sat in Leo's chair, waiting for my meeting with the board members, I had been here for 2 weeks. Being here for the past week had given me enough time to settle in. Mateo and Micah had been here everyday, helping me. Okay maybe not Micah, but Mateo had been guiding me. Micah had only been here to have a chat.

I was currently dressed in a white short skirt, which was paired with a matching white blazer, I had worn a cropped white cami shirt under and paired this with my black Gucci shoes and my black Gucci bag. My hair was styled in curls and my make up was set to a minimal. I hadn't wanted to get out of bed, not wanting to me dressing up while Leo was still under his coma, but I  had to, for him. 

"Hey boss." I look up seeing Mateo entering the office. 

"Hey." I replied. "What's up?" 

"There's been a problem down at the hotel, a pipe has burst." He tells me. "I will get it sorted out." 

"Okay, thanks for letting me know." I say. 

"Also, the rate of our oil has decreased." He tells me, making me nod. "The board members are now ready for you." 

"Let's go then." I put down the pen, standing up and walking behind Mateo. 

Mateo leads me down the hallway, and into the elevator, he clicks the button for one floor down. We wait in silence as the elevator goes down. Once we reach the floor, we both walk out and walk down the hallway, he leads me to a set of doors, he knocks before entering. "Morning, this is Leonardo's wife, Alexandria." He introduces me. "Good luck," He turns to me, whispering before he leaves, closing the door behind him. 

"Hello, Mrs Moretti." A male answers, "Please sit." I walk to an empty seat, sitting down. "I am Samuel, this is Lisa, Lauren, Blake, Steven, Ellie and Anders." He says pointing at each person. 

"Nice to meet you all." I say, giving them a smile. 

"We are sorry to hear about what has happened to Mr Moretti, we give you our condolences and hope he has a quick recovery." Lisa says. 

"Thank you." I smile at her. 

"The reason as to why we've called for this meeting is to see if you are fit enough for this role." Samuel says. 

"So Mrs Moretti-" 


"Thank you." I smile at the board members, before walking out of the office. I left out a huge sigh before making my way back upstairs towards Leo's office. 

"Mrs Moretti," I turned around, seeing Sophie, Leo's assistant.

"Sophie, how can I help?" I say to her. 

"I got a call from a small business owner, called Jasper Thompson, he is insisting to arrange a meeting." She begins, "He came a few weeks ago and had a meeting with Mr Moretti, and is insisting another." 

"Book him in today after I have my lunch." I tell her. 

"No worries, I will also order your lunch, what would you like?" She asks. 

"You don't worry about that, I will have Micah bring me something." I smile at her. "You can go take your break as well." 

"Thank you Mrs Moretti." 

Alexandria: Hey boo, can you bring lunch for the two of us :) 

Micah: Are you only using me for food?:(

Alexandria: so what if I am.... do I need to tell Leo that you refused to feed me while he was in a coma. 

Micah: Glad you see some amusement in this....:/

I walked into the office, taking a seat behind the desk. I got a bit bored waiting for Micah to arrive with the food, so I began going through Leo's drawers. I opened the first one, which revealed a few papers, a set of keys and a few pictures. I picked up the pictures and it was pictures of me. It was pictures of me that had been taken on out wedding day, a few of the pictures also had him in them. I smiled at the thought of him having these in his desk. 

I flipped through the pictures, Until I came across one that made my heart melt. It was a picture of us in Mykonos, Leo held me by the waist, he was looking down at me with a smile on his face and I was looking at the camera with a smile on my face. Tears rolled down my face as the flashbacks of this picture. It was the day before we had left Mykonos, Leo and I were in the pool as Val took our picture on her Polaroid. 

"Why are you crying?" I quickly wiped the tea, before looking up seeing Val stood there. 

"Hey." I smile at her. "come sit." 

"Why are you crying?" She says. I picked up the picture, turning it around so she could see, "I miss him too."

"I can't help but think what would have happened if we never had the fight to begin with." I frown. 

"Everything happens for a reason, this has happened for a reason, you both fighting is only going to make you stronger," She says. 

"I love him so much Val, I didn't even get to tell him that." I cry. 

"Trust me, he feels the exact same." She reassures me. 

"How do you know? he wouldn't have used me like that if he did." I frown. 

"I'm his sister, I know exactly how he feels, and he might have told us while you weren't talking to us." He loved me. A smile was now placed on my face, all this time I had thought he did not feel the same, but I was wrong, he loved me just as much as I did him. 

"OMG." I heard a scream outside the office. 

"What's going on?" I looked at Val before standing up and running out of the doors.

I looked around, watching all the workers crowded around something, Micah was also stood there, holding out bag of food. "What's going on?" I said loudly for everyone to hear me. 

The workers all turned around, seeing me stood there. They slowly stepped to the Side, allowing me access to see what they were all staring at. I walked closer, my breath stopped as I saw the man I deeply loved, stood right in front of me. 

"Leo?" I muttered, smiling as he looked directly at me. I ran towards him, stopping right in front of him, I placed a hand on his cheek, wanting to know if he was actually there, if he was real. Once I was sure he was actually stood there, I wrapped my arms around his neck, "I missed you so much."

As soon as I realised he hadn't wrapped his arms around me, the same way as I had done to him, I unwrapped my arms from him, and stood in front of him, looking up at him in confusion. "Leo, what's going on?" 

"Don't call me Leo, you are my worker, you are to call me Mr Moretti." I looked up at him in confusion. 

"What?" I said, tears filling my eyes, I looked over at my side, seeing Mateo, who looked at me shaking his head. 

Leo didn't remember me. 

A cry escaped my mouth as my vision slowly began to go black and I slipped unconscious. 

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