First Day of Junior Year

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Authors note: This will be continued and I'll upload as much as I can! I've got a lot in store!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!! Hope you enjoy :)

Third Person POV:

The sun peeked through the window waking Y/n up. The alarm clock started blaring right next to her ear causing her to jolt. Although she should be used to the sound since it's gone off about 8 times already.

Shortly after, she was greeted by her mothers loud voice.


Y/n: Mom, I still have an hour and don't worry I'm up now!

Mom: Alright! I'm making breakfast!!

She finally rolls out of bed and walks over to her overly organized closet.

Y/n POV:

What am I supposed to wear for the first day of school?

Having lived in Florida half my life, I knew what to expect of the weather. I reached into the bottom drawer of my dresser that resided in my closet and pulled out some washed out blue jean shorts. They had little rips under the pockets which I thought were very cute.

I grabbed my cropped baby pink zip up I had hanging up in the front of the closet, and tossed it on my bed. I paired that with a white cropped tank. After I had my outfit together, I put it all on and found some accessories to accompany it.
(if you want to wear something else you are free to)

After about 15 minutes of trying to decide between silver or gold jewelry, I settled on gold and clasped my small chain around my neck. I also put on some gold rings and my charm bracelet.

My phone started to buzz. It was Jess. Jessica was my bestie since birth practically. She was my neighbor and for lifer. Jess had long silky red hair(dyed not natural lol), and bright blue eyes that were almost half as bright as her personality. She was also a fashionista influencer.

I answered the ft and was startled as she yelled

Jess: IM FreAkINg OuT

Y/n: Relax, relax. Tell me what's up so I can at least try and help before you make my ears bleed


Uh oh...

Jake was her ex boyfriend who dumped her out of nowhere at the end of sophomore year. Neither of them had moved on, but they were too petty to make up and talk things out.

Y/n: Oh great. Just sit as far away from him as you can and keep your head up, alright. I'll be out in like 20 and we can talk more

Jess: Okay.. I'll see you then

She said sort of cheering up.

-ft ended-

I'll make this bit short because it's fairly boring. I brushed my teeth and hair, got my backpack together, put my hair into two twist braids and did some light make up.

Afterwards, I raced downstairs and noticed my mom prepared me a plate containing waffles drizzled with chocolate, and strawberries on top that were sculpted into roses. All topped off with powdered sugar and a glass of iced apple juice. My mom was an amazing chef to say the least. That was her job after all. My mouth drooled at the scene.

Y/n: Thank you so much mom!

I ran up and gave her a squeeze hug.

Mom: Anything for my baby... who seems to be a bit bigger than a baby now. Jesus N/n you're towering over me!

She was right, I did stand a few inches over her. Yet I was still only 5'3.

We laughed and I dug in.

I checked my phone. It was 7:00 and school started at 7:30.

After finishing my meal, I ran up to my mom and gave her a quick peck on the check and ran to the door. My dog Savian almost tripped me on the way out, nearly causing me to go into cardiac arrest. Savian was a big Karelian bear dog. He was about 4 years old and my best pal.

I laced up my white high tops and zoomed out the door, with my backpack slung on my left shoulder, and my left AirPod in.


Before I could even text Jess that I was outside, she swung her door open; then shut, and ran right up to me. I gave her a big hug then we started on our way.

School was only about a 10 minute walk... unless you're with Jess. In that case it's 15 since she walks about as slow as a snail.

We finally arrived and entered through the doors. Jess and I were pretty popular so we were greeted by quite a few people.

By the time we were halfway down the main hallway, Kaden approached us and we headed to our lockers.

The week before school started, we were allowed to come in at a certian time and claim the lockers we wanted. Kaden, Raven, Jess and I all picked lockers that were next to each other. For a moment I was worried about who might be next to me, since the locker on my right wasn't claimed by one of my friends. 

Hi guys! Let me know if you want me to continue this story! I think I will because I have so much in store and the other parts would be longer. This part was 850 words. Comments and such are much appreciated! Sorry this was a pretty boring start but it's just building up!!

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