Sonoda/Chiarai/Shinobino: yes sensei!!

Keith: well you came to the right place!

Mike: I can't watch this.

Mike walked out of the apartment and went to have a walk around the block.

Mike: this is a pain.

The phone began to ring, and Mike annoyingly answer it.

Mike: what?!

Nakanaka: Mike?

Mike: Nakanaka-san?! Sorry for that.

Nakanaka: everything okay?

Mike: yeah sorry, something happened and now I'm stressed out.

Nakanaka: sounds like you could use a distraction.

Mike: that I do, so I went for a walk.

Nakanaka: sounds fun, but....

Mike: but?

Nakanaka: I was wondering if we could meet.

Mike: right now?

Nakanaka: yes.

Mike: oh I did not expect that.

Nakanaka: yeah sorry it was a bad idea, nevermind you don't have to-

Mike: no no no no I didn't mean it like that, of course I would love to meet.

Nakanaka: really?!

Mike: how about we meet at Franky's in an hour? I heard they serve great burgers, my treat.

Nakanaka: I'll see you there.

She hung up.

Mike: my day just got better.

Back with Hitohito who was now in Shouko's room waiting for her, Shuuko told him that she went on an errand and told him to wait inside.

Hitohito wanted to deny it at first but when Shuuko placed her hand on his shoulder he felt a chill down his spine and now he is waiting in her room, while Shuuko went to get him some tea.

Hitohito: (what do I do now?)

A few second later the door opened.

Hitohito: ah Shuu- (KOMI'S FATHER!?)

Masayoshi enter the room with a dangerous aura around him holding a plate with a glass of tea.

Hitohito: (I had near-death experiences before, nothing like this.)

An over-exaggeration considering the fact that Masayoshi is the least of his concerns.

Hitohito: (this is akward... I should say something.) Um nice to meet you my name is Tadano Hitohito, a friend of your daughter.

Masayoshi: hm?

Hitohito: I like studying a lot, and... and... I also work part-time at the Tokyo Herald... (now I'm the one who needs saving, but who can save someone like me??)

Shouko has entered the room.

Hitohito: (Shouko you came to save me!)

Shouko immediately pushed her father out of the room, she noticed the mess in her room and quickly cleaned it up.

Hitohito: umm i-it's not that messy Komi-san.

After catching her breath she sat down on the table, too shy to start a conversation after all that happened.

Hitohito: before I forget, here.

Hitohito handed her the gift back, Shouko grabbed her and looked at him trying to ask if she could open it.

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