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The house is busy preparing for a wedding. a wedding where the couple has no interest well one did but it didnt last that long seeing the other's cold tone.

As the groom came down the stairs he couldnt help but dread this freaking wedding. he doesnt want to be here heck he wasnt supposed to be here it was because of okay he needs to calm down his rage for now. calm down kong calm dow. he breathered as he descended the steps. tell him again why isnt he going on a kiling spree oh yeah that's right he cant because he is a sweet docile and you know the guy / girl who is always pushed around in series your normal out of mill rich omega with no control whatsoever yeaht that.

a memory flashed before him of the time he first met the other groom. he sighed he hates memories.

he has been always a prisoner in his own house why? because he is an omega and that too a male. male omegas are super super rare. female omegas are a little better than male omegas but yeah so... omegas were always treated as breeders or pleasure or maid yeah you get the scenario. they arent meant to be loved or to have a position in society. and that exactly was the fate of kongpob sutthiluck.

he was hated by his mom and dad since he was birth. he had never gone to school that is untill highschool and that was because it was compulsory. he was given a little room in the farthest corner in the mansion he called home but he scoffs as he calls it home. he could literally count the number of of times he had interacted with his mother and father. they just called him for important topics like a tutor will come to teach him, he will go to highschool, he wasnt supposed to make contact with anyone, take supplement, get married yeah you get it. he wasnt exactly physically abused but verbally yeah. his maids played the role of parents that too just givng in food and stuff. he was taught to cook, stitch and the stuff that are thought to be done by the house worker not that kong had taken any grudge because they were basic survival skills.

he practcally has no friends the so called friends whom he had thought was his friends left him.

And probably his family is tired of him too so they have arranged his marriage. That day they were going to meet the alpha's family in a restaurant. He took his place in the round table next to his mother. He was actually a hyperactive kid but circumstances had made him rather... shy and slow? He doesnt know so he put his head down and his heart was anticipating in fear. He was sure it will be no good match because his family hated him. But when the alpha entered and the boy dared to take a peek at the supposed suitor maybe just maybe his family wasnt that bad? He thought.

They all stood up to greet the alpha's family. After the introduction they started talkiing about business. Like really? He hold the urge to roll his eyes and stab all of them with a freaking fork but calm down he said to himself. He wasnt even allowed in the conversation well he had now idea nor he needed to know how the chairman gave a bunch of students scholarship orthe 2 million dollar vase they brought or that the joon de's stock are increasing and baekhyun's stock are declining. Nope he had no interest and i am not even sarcastic here just a bit sleepy tho lol.

After what seemed like eternity they finally decided to acknowledge him and well mostly looked down him then he was told to accompany the alpha for a walk just to talk and stuff.

"You dont talk much" the alpha had said

"I....I..." he was cutoff

"Stop i dont want to talk to you. Not really. Just so you know i am doing this to keep our business afloat. We are hitting the rockbottom and its common knowledge this marriage will increase the stocks. So dont expect" the alpha had said.

Woah so smooth. He rolled his eyes discreetly as if he had been running to marry him. But he wont like the alpha is well appealing and his smile did something to his heart but if he is being honest it something that happens to him when he watches kpop idols too so no surprise there. But it did hurt him i mean who wouldnt.

Now that he is standing on altar looking at his to be husband... can he just throw the wedding cake on him? He hates him like really really strong hate. So when the priest said the part forever in sickness and health rich and poor stuff he hold the urge to puke there and then. But he was afraid he would go viral and his life would be more miserable not that he cares anyway.

"Do yoy arthit rojnapat take kongpob sutthiluck as your lawfully wedded  husband" the priest asked.
He looked at the other gauzing the other's reaction.


"Do you kongpob suthiluck take arthit rojnapat as your lawfully wedded husband" he again looked at the other silently pleading him to stop but who is he kidding he is having his share of fun.

"Yes" there he said it and monologued. Welcome to another sad story of kongpob suthiluck or is it kongpob s. Rojnapat now?

Dont know what's happening here but i think this is going somewhere... emphasis on i think. Yes this is the same story there is no mixup just a bit glitch in timeline will be sorted out haha.

Been too busy with classes and stuff. Sorry. Dont know when i will update again tho.

Hope you guys remember me😅😅.

Have a nice day!😊😊


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