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(No mention of kong or arthit but its kongart i promise we will meet them in next part. Its kinda crossover between sotus, teen wolf and shadowhunters. Tell me if i should continue or not.)

"Are you fckin kidding me? Hey give me my body back now!", a disgruntled haphazard and totally lost looking guy screamed in the middle of the night in a dark room.

"Are you kidding me? This is fan-fcking-tastic why on earth i would give it back to you?" the other guy asked incredulously staring down at his hands and it had a circle of green light with golden specks on it which was the only source of light in the room except for the dim moon light.

"hey human give it back" the mighty wizard who had fallen uhmm i mean swapped his body "accidentally", whined which i tell you was very as they say 'OOC' for him.

"Nah uh its doctor strange now!" the boy who was barely 19 exclaimed with pure happiness and excitement. it looks like he had longed for this kinda 'situation' for eternity.

"That's not even my name... its miechslaw" the wizard who is now in the 19 year old kid's body said horrified.

"Yeah sorry mozzarella but from now you are me and i am doctor strange anyways what's the matter we look the same umm  except for my body is ummm muggle(?)" the boy chipped cheerfully then questioned uncertainly.

"Bro common atleast know my name properly and i am more handsome than you just fyi" the warlock's brain started overworking in how many different ways the boy will let his name down by using his powers in what his dictionary says the wrong ways.

"You got to be the shittiest wizard in the history of wizards bro!" the boy said looking calculatingly at the wizard aka himself but not himself.

"Hey i am not your bro and second i am the most powerful, evil... hey i havent completed my monologue yet you cant yawn like that" the wizard started ranting but was flabbergasted when he saw himself i mean the 19 year kid yawning when he was doing his epic intro or whatever.

"Guess what dummy? i am" the boy said sassily

"You dont even know who i am" the wizard tried to reason but he was loosing his patience.

"Wait... ah khun I guess from now i am you and you are i so your name is whatever i name myself"

"Noooooo" the warlock screamed like the character from a melodramatic tv show.

"Yeeeesss... btw you have the same nickname as mine! Woah." the boy shouted cheekily.

"DONT.ACCESS.MY.MEMORIES!" The warlock spitted his words.

"Jeez dont be a spoilsport" the boy mumbeled. The it became eerily quiet.


"You know what fine just let me live i will comeback to you just when that body of mine is going to die and we will swap souls again that way you will get to live and me too. You are meant to live many lives anyways" the boy bargained now quite dejected honestly because he is not a bad person infact he is the calmest and most innocent soul ever.

"Why are you so adamant huh? Dont you like this life. You have everyone here your family your friends. Will you not miss them?" the warlock asked even if he guessed the answer already. a look of hurt pain and loneliness passed on the kid's face.

"Family, friends? Huh what a joke. Oh my dear wizzy..." oh lookie look the witty and sarcastic kid is back in a snap.

"Dont call me that that's ridiculous!"

"No its funny its good uhmm i like it... yep i will call wizzy" the boy quipped

"Nooooo i am the biggest baddest out there and you take me as nothing" if the warlock didnt knew any better he would agree that he himself was on verge of tearing up but no he will not.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say wizzy. But you are in body of me the worst fate one could ever have. Those friends and family are nothing but trash and i have just kept my head down all this years just to survive this. All the best to survive this but please i need to be selfish for once. Be well" and just like that he was making a portal. ha? who knew the kid is really a fast learner.

"No you fcker comeback i am gonna kill you. b**** you cant just steal my body huhuhu". the warlock gripped his hairs in frustration.

"baby wizzy i just did...technically you did but whatever and thanks for freeing me wizzy" and just like that he vanished but i stand corrected on my claim on him being innocent and a good soul but he is just self preserving and looking out for himself for once. does that makes him selfish? maybe a little but you know what world is a cruel place to live in.

"fck you! And who do you call baby! I am 711 years old!" the warlock shouted but there was no one in the room except for him himself. he swallowed his pride and  looked around the room because there is only so much he can do if the kid is not ready to swap the places again. So much for running away from past huh? "its warlock idiot!" the warlock whispered back knowing well the kid is far away by now and will be getting the second shock of his life soon.

Hi! I am kinda back? Ig actually i wasnt going to come back a lot is happening right now. Some sweet some bitter some bittersweet and yet others spicy and sour.

I will be moving away from home which is a first for me... to start my college and ig i am not really taking it well and am still in denial for the most part. Yeah yeah i am dramatic i know but that got me all busy.

Apart from that... as i said a lot is going on which sometimes makes me want to sleep and be unaware of my surroundings all the time.

Anyways this platform has been my go to to detach myself from reality and just go into an imaginary place and i came back just to do that. I really love and appereciate your feedbacks and love i get in return and... ofcourse other amazing authors who let me delve in some intriguing fantasies and take me to another land of imagination. i thank all of you!

With that being said, i will still not be updating BANGOK 62 anytime soon... sorry for that but i will update it sometime this year or the next hehe.

Have a good day!


A Freaking warlock!? [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now