Intro and characters

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I said its crossover between sotus, teen wolf and shadowhunters but not really. i am just burrowing a little of the storyline and the personalities from teen wolf and a few charachters of shadowhunters. dont worry tho you dont need to watch them to read this. infact forget about what i said. the following is more important lol.

This is omegaverse. there is a lot of diversity. its fiction so dont go too much on wordings. 

the fractions are:

Shadowhunters (basically human with a bit of angel blood try to keep peace among all peoples)

Werewolves (again divided into alpha, beta and omega; omega being the weakest and frowned upon and alpha well you know the narcissist egoist and power hungry and there are not many packs with more than one alpha. and pack yes its a very important thing to them, and they can smell change in motions like sadness happiness excitement arousal anger fear and have hieghtened hearing senses too. the third gender is revealed when they are 14 or 15.)

Werefoxes (there are electric type, fire type, water type you get it. they are the sly ones and master one element and can be very dangerous when provoked. normally foxes and wolfs dont mingle. among wolfs and foxs who is stronger? is still a question.)

Vampires (lets say they are for sure and there is no specific enemity between werewolfs and vamps its just werewolfs cant take the smell of vampires so they tend to avoid each other)

Humans (yes they exist too! and not many know about others existing but a little group of people who have had encounter with werewolves and vampires have turned themselvess into hunters who hunt them and kill them.)

Wizards/witches (not many in existence part human and part demon. can do sorts of tricks, portal travelling, transfiguration and can be as dangerous and as playful as the situation requires them to be, a mistake in one spell have created the vampire who turned other humans and its still a matter on which other fractions joke on wizards most of them are not that powerful but a few among them who are actually descendent of the the prince of hell are very powerful and called warlocks.) 

Druids (have a little mojo to heal the supernaturals kinda like supernatural doctor but cant fight with their powers.)

almost every fraction has the same lifespan of human but most cross hundered except for wizards and vampires. wizards can live upto 500 years and warlocks have a lifespan of 1000s of years along with vampire but most vampires die sooner than later.

main charachters




PACK (including arthit)

PACK (including arthit)

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KNOTT(wizard)                      TEW(beta)  PRAE(shadowhunters)PREM(alpha)                           WAD (omega)      MAPRANG(human)BRIGHT(fox-electric type)    AIM(beta)        MAY(fox- wind type)TUTAH(druid)                         OAK( beta)

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KNOTT(wizard)                      TEW(beta)  PRAE(shadowhunters)
PREM(alpha)                           WAD (omega)      MAPRANG(human)
BRIGHT(fox-electric type)    AIM(beta)        MAY(fox- wind type)
TUTAH(druid)                         OAK( beta)

there pack is pretty special because no other pack has 2 alphas, foxes, wizards and not to mention human.

Other charachters
NAMTAN DECHAPANYA-fraction not clear



MAGNUS BANE (HIGH WARLOCK OF BROOKLYN)-relation will be specified later

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MAGNUS BANE (HIGH WARLOCK OF BROOKLYN)-relation will be specified later.





bright is a playboy.

arthit has a complicated past with namtan.

knott loves silence too much to cheat on it.

tew says he is single but something's fishy.

tutah flirts with everyone yet dates no one.

its a mess here!

have a nice day🙂


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