Chapter Fourteen, Hurt

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Point Of View - Ricco Bianchi

      Right now me and Dante are waiting in Damien's office. I am on my phone playing ping pong and Dante is reading his online book on Damien's IPad. I had text Damien that we are waiting in his office. He didn't reply back but we didn't want to wait in the hallway and act like stockers. 'Get Out Of My Office And Father Wants To Talk.' I see Damiens message and get off of Damien's lounge chair.

     Dante sees my reaction from my phone and turns off the IPad. "Father's office." I told Dante and he nodded back to me.

     Opening the door to Father's office. Now looking at Dante we were both confused. Damien and Father looked a little irritated. "Quello che è successo? (What happened?)" I speaked in my native language, Italian.

     Me and Dante stood in front of Fathers desk. "C'è di più nella storia e ho bisogno di scoprire di cosa si tratta. (There is more to the story and I need to find out what it is.)" Damien inquired as he sat on the left side of the couch.

      What are we talking about? "A cosa? (To what?)" Dante beat me to the punch.

      "Nel passato di Elma? (In Elma's past?)" Father clarified as he was in his chair behind his desk.

      What has my Principessa (Princess) gone through? "Allora, cos'è successo? (So, what happened?)" I pushed, I want answers for what she has been doing these last eleven years.

      "All'età di undici anni! (At the age of Eleven.)" Father aggressively said while his face was furious, me and Dante were confused.

      "Undici, cosa? (Eleven, what?)" I blurred out and could not control my mouth.

      Father took a second but told us that. "Fu a quell'età che Elma iniziò a lavorare. (It was at that age that Elma started working.)" Dante could not help but punch the wall right next to him. We could not blame him for doing that.

      "Quello che mi ha confuso è che Elma ha detto 'quella era solo la superficie'. Che cosa significa? (What confused me is that Elma said 'that was only the surface.' What does it mean?)" Damien added while wondering with concern for Elma.

      We all turned to the door when someone knocked on it. "Entra (Enter!)" Father yelled from his chair. We see the twins Mateo and Romeo but not Luca. He must not want to be involved right now or is busy. The twins gulped when they saw all of us look at them. "Siediti, dovresti saperlo anche tu. (Sit down, you should know too.)" When Father implied the seriousness of the conversation. The twins looked at each other in concern. They sat down next to Damien on the couch.

      Father glared at Damien and then Damien started to fill in the twins. I held back Dante so he wouldn't punch another wall. After Damien was done Romeo was blank and Mateo let out a couple tears. "Cosa faremo adesso? (What are we going to do now?)" Romeo stressed his words. What shocked us is that usually Romeo stays quiet and says nothing when something is important.

      Breaking the shock in the room. "Aspetta e vedi se Elma è disposta ad aprirsi con noi. (Wait and see if Elma is will to open up to us.)" Father orders us as something goes snape. We all hear it and then we are looking at the broken number two wood pencil that is snapped on Fathers desk.

      We all got a glare from Father and then Damien pointed out. "Elma ha detto che ha un'altra famiglia? (Elma did mention she has another family?)" The twins were in shock again. They're getting a lot of information about their younger sister.

      Looking at Father he is handing it but I know he is taking it hard. Father slash son instincts. "Mateo puoi vedere se riesci a trovarli? (Mateo can you see if you can find them?)" Father looked at Mateo and then to the broken pencil on his desk.

      "Sì, padre! (Yes, Father!)" He replied happily to help find out what happened to his sister.

      It seems like Dante has calmed down enough not to punch the wall. "Questo è tutto ed Ricco ho bisogno di parlare con te. (That's all and Ricco I need to talk with you.)" Father concluded our meeting. My brother left the room, leaving me alone standing in front of Fathers desk. "Ricco, puoi dare un'occhiata a Elma (Ricco, you can take a look at Elma.)" Father paused for a second. "Come dottore. (As a doctor.)" That last word stunned me. Is she hurt? What's wrong?

      Being quick to respond to Father. "La mia sorellina sta bene? (Is my little sister ok?)" Father looked very touched that I called Elma my little sister.

      Father, changed his face and said. "Penso di si ma Elma non indossava lo stivale oggi? (I think so but Elma wasn't wearing the boot today?)"

      I decided to sit in one of the chairs in front of me. "Hai ragione, non l'ho visto indossare a Elma. (You're right, I haven't seen Elma wear it.)" We both had curious faces on.

      Getting up from the chair standing behind it. Putting both of my hands on the top of the chair. "Adesso vado a controllare la mia sorellina, padre. (Now I'm going to check on my little sister, father.)" I informed my father. Wanting to go take care of Elma.

       "Andare avanti. (Go ahead.)" Father used his normal deep voice with a smile. I leave Fathers office and start heading to the medical bay. What has my only sister been through these last eleven years? I guess I am hoping that she will at least tell me how she got injured?

       Something on my nerves is that my Principessa (Princess) has an aura around her, a powerful one like father. She looks like a sweet innocent kid that could not hurt a bug but when she is ticked off you see it tiny bit and that is not the surface. Father is a don so his aura is meant to be powerful but Elma's is making me question what she is into? Looking at her and seeing something is off. Makes me tick. I want to protect her from everything but I know I can't. When looking at her more closely I see someone who is trying to protect themselves mental and physically. Now I am just wondering how dangerous is she?

       From when I blurted out 'attention seeker' I knew she would not try to concert with me first. Why did I do that! My stupid mouth! Something I am currently glad for is my ability to read people. It tends to help when you're training people.


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