Chapter Five, Needles

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Point Of View - Elma Rose

        Opening my eyes, looking around, seeing white walls and this annoying beep beep sound around me! Now look at my arm which has needles and a blood pressure device on my pointer finger. Going back to the needles, COME ON NEEDLES! I hate needles one time the twins had to restrain me to get a blood test after the mission pollen flower went sideways. Apparently it was very amusing to the Shepherd Family when they heard about my fight with the rose twins. 

       So, what happened was that we came back to base. Zachary told us that we needed a blood test to make sure we didn't get hydrogen cyanide gas in our system. I decided to try to avoid the blood test by saying that I need to get paperwork done that worked for two hours. After Jack had gotten all the blood from the members who did the mission. 

     The next thing I know is that I am hiding from Jack, Zachary, Brooklyn and Huston. But I messed up and forgot to take the allergy meds and sneezed. I spooked Klein in the kitchen. He jumped like a scared kitten and then I was cornered. Most of my mafia members were wondering why I was running from some of my top leadership but they also know that I am Elma and not the boss right now. Being held down on a chair with Brooklyn, Huston and Zachary on me down while Jack is taking my blood. The next few weeks I was being hard on all of them, Payback they knew this would happen.

        Back to the present, opening my eyes again after adjusting my eyes to the bright light in the room, I realize the guy in the suit stood up. Who is he? Could he be Social services, no my family? "Your Awake you scared us back at the school Elma!" Said the guy in a black suit staring at me.

        "Who are you?" I told him acting clueless that I already knew what happened.

        "I'm your older brother Damien, Principessa (Princess)" Said Damien with a bittersweet expression on his face with a smile. Staying expressionless almost like I'm stunted. I think he didn't realize I knew Italian yet. He steps out of the room, I am guessing my father Lorenzo Bianchi, The Don of Italian mafia, is in the hallway right now. Or he might be getting a doctor right now because I am awake. Closing my eyes. Calm down, breathe in and out but also not show it on the outside. Opening my eyes again and there were a ton of people in the VIP hospital room. I think it's a VIP hospital room. It's very similar to the one I was in after my accident in Japan.

        "Hi, I am Dr. Tusk and not like the elephant tusk tooth" said the Doctor as I giggled when he said elephant tusk tooth. Now I look around the room seeing my father, Damien, Luca and this unknown female person at the doorway. "Now down to the point, do you know why you fainted Elma?" Doctor Tusk asked me as he checked my vittles. I shake my head no. 

        Lying to the people in the room not wanting them to know that I found out. I have learned to control my emotions. That's what you have to do to survive in a world of violence and hatred. "You fainted because of a heart attack, and you need to watch the foot of it beat up badly Elma." Doctor Tusk said straight and blunt to me. Guessing that he is understanding my body language. The person I am very sure is my father turned Doctor Tusk.

        Why is it with the Italian Mafia and being so obvious about guns? My supposed father has one and even Damien. It seems like they allow Luca to wear a gun. "Ok, Thank you Doctor." Now he turned again but facing the wall with the picture frame. "Damien, per favore, manda un messaggio ai tuoi fratelli dicendo che tua sorella sta bene e è sveglia. (Damien please text your brothers that your sister is fine and awake.)" My father said in Italian. How I know he is my father is that I met him at the Annual Mafia Ball. I had a mask on. So, I could still be the mysterious Monarch Dragon, leader of The Rose Dragon.

        Staring at this woman in a gray straight skirt and white blouse. "Hi, Elma, I am Ms. Beavers from social services. Your previous guardians Debra and Dale were arrested." Ms. Beavers said in a soft tone "When social services ran your DNA your family came up." Ms. Beavers said in a stronger tone while looking in my eyes joyfully. I prefer a guardian who just leaves me alone! 

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