Chapter Seventeen, Panic

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Point Of View - Dante Bianchi

      We all are panicking, Elma has done it again. She has left the house again without permission. Last time she got angry and left through the front door. So, father let her off last time but this time, I don't know. I look at the twins who are in the living room with me. They are worried that someone has kidnaped her again. Damien and Father are on the phones in the dining room sending out people to look for her. What strikes me is how did a seventeen year old not trained teenage girl get out of a fully surrounded house.

      I love and miss my little sister but I can't seem to show it to her. Me and Damien would take turns to play with her. Of course I knew Damien was her favorite brother. I don't care as long as she loves me too. Mom and Ricco are going around the house going though the different rooms. We all know she left through the window. It was open with a wire going against the wall.

      That's It! I can't stay in this house anymore just waiting for my sister to return. Getting up from the couch with frustration and passing Luca who just entered the room. I go to the closest to grab my black rain coat and head towards the garage. Just before I could open the door, Mateo stops me saying that Father wants to talk with me. Come on why can't I just go and find my little sister myself. I tie my rain jacket around my waist and start for the dining room.

      Stopping at the kitchen island. Grabbing a cracker from the one of Romeo snacks he's making right now. He just sees it and ignores it. Usually he bits back when we take food but he just left it this evening. Guessing he is taking Elma disappearing act hard right now. I enter the dining room and see Damien off his phone and on his laptop. Father is just pacing back and forth.

      Just standing in the room. They just ignored me, entering the room. "Padre? (Father?)" He stopped pacing at the painting on the wall and stood facing me.

      "Non uscire di casa. So che sei arrabbiato, ma non posso farti andare in giro a cercare Elma. (Don't leave the house. I know you're angry but I can't have you driving around looking for Elma.)" Father seriously ordered me.

      "Come mai? (How come?)" I snapped back at him and my anger at my father.

       "Dante! Non mi ripeterò. (Dante! I will not repeat myself.)" I groaned back and got a deadly glare in response. Puffing back at father and stopping out of the room. I go up a flight of stairs to my bedroom. Going inside and heading to my closet. Taking off the raincoat and hanging it up with a black hanger. I changed my black suit and white dress shirt for some black gym clothes.

      Now in the gym sitting down on the bench with athletic tape and wrapping it around my fist. Next I pull out my aftershokz headphones. I like these because there are no earbuds and I can still hear them around me. Which is nice so I don't get any surprises behind me. Now on my phone setting my hip-hop music.

      After finishing setting things up. I took off my shoes and put on my black sports shoes. Now getting up, heading over to the red and black punching bag. Releasing my anger into the bag... Back and forth... I punch the bag but not just standing there but moving my body back and forth.

      Stopping my punching after hearing the door open in the gym. I click the stop button on my headphones for my music. Turning around I see Ricco. What is he doing here? "Elma is back." He said as he sat down on the bench. He is not here just to say that she is back but to check up on me. I just ignored the fact that he used English with me rather than Italian.

      Walked towards him and sat down next to him on the bench. "So, where did you find her?" I noticed Ricco's body language was him being irritated.

      "I found her in her bed sleeping. When I was checking her room for the one hundredth time." Ricco gave me the look.

      I chuckled, "Was she really sleeping?" Ricco looked at me and shook his head no.

      "I think not. She is a light sleeper like Damien." My triplet pointed out to me as I just finished unwrapping my right fist and putting it down on the floor next to me.

      "You really think so?" I stopped unwrapping the tap from my left hand and looked at him.

      He got up from the bench and walked over to the punching bag. "Another thing is that father doesn't want her to disappear in the morning. We are taking shifts watching her." Ricco told me deeply as he kept punching the bag. Getting blood on his fist. Before I could ask when my shift was. "Damien is gonna take the morning, father is doing it right now." Ricco beat me.

      "Who else?" I wondered while standing up and throwing away both sets of bloody tapes in the trash.

      Ricco stopped and grabbed my gray rag to clean off his fits. "Only us, Damien and father. Your shift starts at two p.m. and ends at three p.m." He sets down the rag on the bench and sits next to it.

      Now going back to the bench and grabbing my sports water bottle from my sports bag. "Ok, when's yours?" I curiously asked Ricco, my older triplet.

      "Four a.m. to five a.m. Damien gets five a.m. to when she wakes up." He answered my question as I took off my sports shoes.

      Grabbing my left shoe from beside my bag. "What are you gonna do during your time?" Ricco questioned me as he just sat down on the bench looking to the ground.

      He brought his head up. Looking at the punching bag again. "That also reminds me that Father made it very clear that if we wake her up we will be in deep trouble." Ricco warned me about waking her up. I will be in deep trouble if I wake her up during my shift.

      My breath exhaled deeply while looking at the floor like Ricco. "Ok but would she not sleep?" I brought the point up as I put my work out shoes in my bag.

      Now Ricco breathes deep. "I didn't bring it up with my father, he was ticked off at the moment." His head comes up to meet mine. Now I am kinda hoping he calms down. When it's my shift.

      Standing up, grabbing my bag, water bottle and my phone. "Got! What time is it?" I ask, not wanting to look at my phone.

      Ricco looks at his watch and says, "about one a.m."

      Now at the door, turning around to Ricco who is still sitting on the bench and pondering. "I am gonna get a nap before it's my time."

      "Same, see you in the morning." Ricco shouted at me as I just left the door. Now I am wondering what tomorrow is gonna be?


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