Chapter Twenty Four, Domenico

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Point of View - Elma Farfalla Bianchi

      "Wait, is that a road?" My eyes blinked twice. "Ha!" I wave my hands in the air.

      Now for the walk along the side of the road back to the house. Currently I am guessing that this road in the forest is a private driveway. R-u-m r-u-m a car comes up from a distance. It's a Black 2023 BMW iX that is a pretty nice car if I say so myself. Now it comes up to me. "O Come On!" Why does it have to be Domenico! I am still mad at him for faking the death of Uncle Marcello. A stupid Marcello decided that it was ok to go behind my back on an OP.

      I can't believe Domenico is my Grandpa. He pulls over to the side of the road right next to me. "You're still mad at me." He rolled down the window.

      "Yes-s!" I growled back at him but also was being careful not to show much emotion on my face.

      "Do you want a ride back?" Grandpa asked as he sat in the warm car.

     "Of Course!" I yelled back. "But you can't tell them about my other life." I pointed my finger at him with my emotionless face.

     "What do they know?" Grandpa gave me a quick glance before putting his attention back on the road.

      "Only that I own a technology company and nothing else." I rolled my eyes at him.

      "That's a good first step Ed-Elma." He almost called Edna. Edna Rose the founder of BlackGuard. One of the reasons I picked the name Edna is because of the meaning 'fiery red' and it's similar to Elma.

     When getting out of the car I groaned because my brothers and Dad were standing at the front door. Their faces completely changed when seeing me with Grandpa. Just calling them by their family titles if they have one's way easier than saying their real name. Since it's even more embarrassing to call them by their names.

     "What are you doing with Grandpa?" Damien's not so nice voice was directed towards me.

     "Lost in the woods." I rolled my eyes at them. My brothers gave me the stare while Dad was focusing on Grandpa.

     "That's for another time." Grandpa raised his voice, making every look at him. He glares at Dad reminding him that we are standing outside. "Elma, I have asked you how are you doing?" Grandpa asked me while walking in the entrance of the house.

     I abruptly turned around. When I did that my family froze except Grandpa. "You are really doing that now." I take a harsh deep breath. "We just met again after five years!" My face was covered with emotion of sadness, hurt, but also guilt.

     Grandpa takes a deep sigh. "I am sorry I should have tried to be more involved with your life at the time, Principessa! (Princess!)" He looked at me and did not dare to hide the emotions that I was showing.

     It's my fault that five years ago I was not in a good place. "No I am sorry I would have not let you in anyways." I look at Grandpa with a sorry face. "At the time I would have killed you insead." I mumbled out of my mouth under my breath right before going around the kitchen island. Before Grandpa could say something I beat him saying, "I hope I can get over our current issue-e." I exaggerate the e to him nice and clear.

     "Thank you for giving me the chance and I am glad you're showing emotion now." He had a sympathetic smile on his face. He knows only a small sliver of my past but enough that it worries me.

     "Wait what's going on here?" Dad didn't even let his own sons speak first.

     "Yeah, can someone explain?" Damien came into the conversation.

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