Chapter Eleven, Headquarters

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Point of View - Elma Farfalla Bianchi

      There it is the new Headquarters of The Rose Dragons! People might think it's a regular house at first with weeds on the outside but don't know that it's the base of The Rose Dragons. One of the most feared Mafia's in the world! Just thinking that made me chuckle. It looks like Brooklyn has got the basic stuff set up already. Man! I love how fast those twins work. Pulling up to Benedict, he is one of the main guards from the old base. "Hi, Benedict!" I declared to myself as I leaned against the door frame with my window open.

     "Hi, Boss. New Car?" Benedict questioned me with interest.

    "No, I stole it from Ricco." I giggled with a grin.

    "Ricco?" He questioned me again as he shifted his stance.

     "I found my biological family." I blurred out while rolling my eyes. "Don't You Dare Tell Anyone, Benedict!" I raised my voice to him and he shivered and nodded his head. After my statement he went to push the button to open the metal gate. Pushing the accelerator pedal in the car and pulling up to the third garage door from the front door. Parking, the shiny white car and heading towards the front door. "COME ON DOOR!" I yelled with so much frustration at the door.

    Next thing I knew was the door came and hit me right in the nose making it bleed. Refocusing my vision I see Huston back away after he saw me holding my bloody nose. "BROOKLYN I NEED H-E-L-P!" He screamed very loudly as he started to run. All the members in the main area just look towards the door and see my aggressive face.

    "HUSTON!" I yelled at everyone who was in the room gulped out of fear. He Dam better have a good reason to shut a door in my nose.

    "What Did You Do Now!" Brooklyn's elevated voice bounced off the gray concrete walls. She looked up and saw me with my dripping bloody nose. Next thing I see is Huston being held by the ear from Brooklyn. Huston was in utter shock that his own sister was pulling his ear in front of people.

    "Lets Go To My Office!" I grunted loudly.

    "Yes, Donna!" Brooklyn replied quickly and then looked to her younger twin out of frustration. Brooklyn lets go of Huston's ear and we start for the main staircase to the right. I really like this new place. It's a traditional designed house.

    Now being at the top of the stairs turning right then left and stopping at a door with the label Monarch Dragon on it. "This is your office." Brooklyn stated as she opened the dark brown door.

     Once I was in my comfy black desk chair with Huston and Brooklyn standing in front of my desk. "Huston, I know it was an accident but I can't just let it go... I need to set an example for others." I smiled softly at him but then turned it cold.

     "Yes, Boss." Huston pouted at me knowing that I was gonna break his nose.

     "I am not gonna do it now since we have a traitor to take care of." I explained while going to my desk and putting a tissue in my nose. I gestured to them to sit down on the seats that are in front of my desk.

      They both sit down and Brooklyn takes her IPad that she had left on my desk earlier.

      "Here Is The Traitor! Nakamura Kaki from the Transport Department. He is a Captain with a clearance rank of C." She showed a photo of him on her IPad. He had black short hair with bangs to his brows wavy to the right.

      "Do you know the reason he flipped?" I redacted quickly while pushing back into my chair.

     "Yes! His family in Nagoya, Japan was kidnaped..." Huston put it out in a harsh tone. I would do the same thing if it could save my family but he knew the risks of being a traitor.

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