Chapter Ten, Scream

Start from the beginning

     "Purebred Black Labrador Retriever!" I boldly stated with pride my achievements. It was so hard to train her from a puppy and also she was my first pet. Papa and Alvin tried to get me to let the trainer do it but no I would not listen to them. I made it clear that I wanted to train her. "Are you sure I can have her here?" I questioned in a quiet tone letting Damien be the dominant person right now.

     He puts his hands on my shoulder and looks straight into my eyes. "Of course Principessa! (Princess!) I need to double check with Father but I know he will say yes." Dad is the person I will need to fight for dominance in this family. Knowing the process will be different from my previous battle of becoming the head of the family.

     "O, and my friend is bringing her to Italy." I whispered to Damien.

     He smiled and said, "That's perfectly fine." Damien pulled me into a hug.

     My tummy grumbles, "traitor" I joked, Damien started laughing.

     "Why don't we get some food for the traitor?" He tickles me in the stomach.

     Laughing very hard on my bed. "Hey Stop That!" I giggled to my favorite brother while trying to block him.

    Now at the kitchen, Damien walked behind the kitchen counter. "Peanut butter and jelly?" He started to pull out white bread and a cutting board. They have white bread! My favorite type of bread.

    Sitting down at one of the stools and putting my crutches to the ground. "Peanut butter only!" I paused, "and toasted, p-lease." I begged Damien with my sweet voice.

    "Ok, Principessa! (Princess!)" He said while opening the bread bag and quickly looked up to me. What's my purpose in life now? To survive the world I was brought into! What are my goals for the future? What are my goals for the future? Why can't I answer my own question? Calm down or Damien is gonna be asking something... My goal is to find peace in my life to truly enjoy something!

    Ug, I need to go through my emails right now or they will never get done. The first email is Zachary who manages the different department heads. What's more, funding for his projects. The second email is from Katsurō, the head of personnel. He is kindly asking for a raise because he is overworked. O, Katsurō you have been the type to request a raise every year. It's funny every time you do it. I thought to myself as I smirked on my face.

     Huston sent me a text. I froze without moving a single muscle. He said there was a spy in the headquarters branch who has clearance rank C. Nice my Headquarters Branch is one of few groups who have seen my face as The Donna. My inter circle has been compromised. "Elma? Elma?" Damien shouted at me trying to break me from my trance of fear.

     Shaking my head to reconnect the dots around me and what I need to do right now. "Sorry, I need to leave right now." I said with my angel voice to Damien.

     Please don't stop me... "I will go with you or you will not go at all." My eldest brother sternly stated to me as he put my sandwich in one of those sandwich sized ziplocks.

     Breath in and out, "I Go Alone And You Will Not Stop Me!" I shouted to Damien while abruptly getting out of the kitchen stool and picking up my crutches.

     Damien has anger written all over his face. "ELMA FARFALLA BIANCHI!" He yelled straight at my face as I was by the stairs. My Whole Name!

     Next thing I know is we are having a cold and stern starting contest. "STOP IT YOU TWO!" We both glared at Dad who broke us up. I see all my brothers but Ricco who is working at the mafia clinic. They all felt the shiver of Me, Dad and Damien battle just now. "What Is This About!" Dad shouted at both of us while my brothers who were still on the stairs just looked with open stunted faces from my reaction.

     Leaning my head down yielding to Dad's dominance. "I Need To Leave Right Now! I have business that I need to take care of And Damien Will Not Let Me Go!" I started to head for the door with nothing, just my clothes, crutches, phone and my hidden blades. This is the reason I like being the head of the family! I grunted to myself in frustration.

     "You Need To Go With Someone!" Damien made his point. Looks like someone knows my rules. I ignore them and just start walking to the door.

     "Where Do You Think You're Going, Young Lady!" Dad yelled to my back.

     "Leaving! What Else Did You think!" I said in a rude sarcastic tone to the Don of The Italian Mafia who is trying to play the father role to me.

     "I Am Your Father And Your Grounded, Young Lady." He started with full Sternness to me and not back down from my disrespect to him.

     Turning around, looking into his eyes. There was emotion of hurt, sadness and disrespect in Dad's eyes. "Seriously the father card just when I learned about you." I mumbled under my breath.

     Damien steps forwards past Dad to me. "Apologize, Elma." He kindly proposed to me as he knelt down to my height with his hands on my shoulder.

     Shaking my body vividly so Damien's hands have come off but not losing my balance on the crutches. "NO! And See You Tomorrow At Breakfast." My harsh voice echoed through the hallway of the main house. All my family had a shocked face because they saw the other side of me and not the sweet angel they met before. Currently I am at the edge of turning into my devil side of me.

     Bumping into Ricco who had just returned home. He was confused as a pickle, when he entered. I pickpocketed Ricco his keys because I don't have a ride right now. As I walked through the door frame I held up Ricco keys and jiggled them while saying, "Thanks for the Ride!" With my huge grin on my face. I heard giggling from my other brothers then, 'HEY GIVE THOSE BACK!' Statement who I am guessing, is from a furious Ricco. They always need a giggle or a laugh here and there.

     Man! I love this car, Ricco. Now how do I get out of the gate with the guards there? It's time to put my devil into work. The head guard approaches Ricco's shiny white car. I glare at him, cold and harsh. Scaring the crap out of him. He steps back and pushes the button to open the gate. Now I wish I did more research on the different car models then I would know what model this car is. That's what I get for skipping my car magazine for a month plus.

     Exiting the woods that the Bianchi Mansion is next to. Now driving down the mountain. I pass by the green meadows in the distance and head towards the city of Mila, Italy. I pulled over the car to the size of the highway. So, I will be able to text Brooklyn and Huston that I will be at the new base in thirty minutes. Brooklyn replies back with, 'I am at base and will be expecting you, boss.' I haggle a little bit at Brooklyn's response and got back on the road. W-oo! I love speeding ninety to one-hundred on the highway! Man! Driving really relaxes me, I should do it more often.


Thank you for reading my Chapter Ten, Scream About 2,114 words in Chapter Nine.

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