Chapter Six, The Ride

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    "LETS GO!" Natashia scolded as she stopped away. Luca was giggling just wanting this drama queen.

    "You will be explaining things later Elma." Dad said in a stern voice. I guled as I walked with them back to the SUV's. Crap, I am in deep trouble but I think not as deep if they find out I am The Monarch Dragon. Currently The Italian Mafia and The Rose Dragons are not on friendly terms right now. It's gonna be worse by the end of the day because of stupid Martin! I need to grab my duffel from my car and from my guessing there gonna have me ride in the SUV then let me drive my own car.

   Instead of heading straight to the SUV's. I headed right to my car about twelve cars down. "Hey Elma! Where are you going?" Luca asked and then they all stopped and turned towards me with confused faces.

   I turned around to face them. "My car." I mumbled out but just loud enough for them to hear.

   They looked at me after I said 'car' to them. "We will have one of the guards drive it, Principessa. (Princess.)" Dad told me with a smile I don't completely trust them.

     "Then can someone help me with my duffel?" My angel voice came on while I looked to the ground, playing with my fingers.

    I look at Damien's face. "Of course and thank you for asking for help." His tone was soft and gentle. Not like the harsh tone he uses for the mafia.

     Dad, Damien and Luca glare at each other for confirmation. "So where is your car?" Damien started walking right with me.

     "You're gonna have to find out!" I giggled at Damien while he gave me a happy glare. We passed Henry's corvette and then I stopped at my Toyota GR86. I smiled and then looked at Damien. He was stunted for a second. "So?" I put my hands on my hip and grinned at him.

     Damien's eyes were wide looking at the car. "This is yours?"

     "Ya! I love my Toyota GR86!" I blurted out loud.

      "Another Ricco!" He mumbled to himself. Ricco the car lover. You could say I know alot about cars because of my racing habit as the streetracer Admiral.

     "My duffel is in the trunk, Damien." I told him to break his gaze into my car. I unlocked my car and opened the trunk. He grabbed it and put it in the back of the SUV. Damien opened the door for me. When he did that he put the child lock on the door side, I am on so I do get out. Seeing his face I knew it was deliberate.

     Dad sat in the front seat, Luca sat behind, and Damien sat next to me. "Keys?" Damien cleared his throat.

     "Ya," I groaned to him while rolling my eyes.

     "Elma!" A deep voice comes from the front seat.

     "Fine!" I grumbled back and got glares from Dad and my brothers. Now I pull out my keys. When they saw my black pocket knife on it they saw it but ignored luckily. Once they got my keys Dad got out of the SUV and gave it to the guards.

     Finally getting on the road. B-u-z-z, b-u-z-z, Dad's G-Phone goes up. I see the caller ID and it says Gavino R. on it. If I remember correctly, Gavino is The Italian Second Command. CRAP, he must have found out already. Great Dad is gonna be in a grumpy mood.

     "Sì! (Yes!)" Dad said in Italian with an annoyed voice. As the call went on Dad's face went stone cold. This confirms that they have heard already, even if I can't hear Gavino.

     "AFFRONTALO FINO A CHE IO TORNO! (DEAL WITH IT UNTIL I GET BACK!)" Dad said with his deep cold voice back to Gavino in Italian. Both of my brothers looked at Dad as he gestured to them.

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