16| "He did what?"

Mulai dari awal

"This is really bad. The police will be looking for her. They might find him and us too." he said, running his fingers through his brown and white hair. I smiled evilly.

"I know, Leonard. This might ruin our plan too. We won't be able to do the robbery because the police will be --"

"I fucking know!" he yelled.

"What are you going to do?" I asked him and he shook his head, raising his hands in the air.

"I don't know? Are you sure about what you're saying?"

"Of course I am, Leonard." I defended myself.

"Go. I'll see what I'll do. I have to think first. Thank you for informing me." he said and I nodded my head, standing up. I walked to the door and opened it, getting outside with a big grin on my face. 

Success! my inner voice screamed with joy. 

I was definitely going to get a drink now.


       ~ H a r r y ~

"This is crazy." I said to myself. 

When I said that you can change, I didn't mean this, my inner voice said.

"Shut up!" I said, feeling annoyed. That's when I realised that I might look like a fool; a man talking to himself in his car. Yeah, I definitely looked like a psycho. I should have really stopped doing that. 

I got out of the car, putting on my hoody so that no one would see my face. I looked around me and made my way towards the place that I once called home. I just hope she still lived here and hadn't moved out.

Once the small house came into view,  all the memories came flooding back in my mind and I felt weak to my knees. How did all these things happen? How did I end up like this? If I could turn back time to that day, I would change everything.

I saw the door open and I quickly hid behind a tree. 

You weren't supposed to do that, I thought. 

I shook my head and looked back at the house carefully and I saw her. My mother. She was just like I remembered her; her long brown hair falling into waves on her shoulders and her green eyes sparkling. I smiled at the sight of her. I wondered if she missed me. 

She closed the door and put the keys in her purse, walking away. I parted my lips ready to call her name but I just couldn't. No words came out. I was too much of a  coward for this. I lost my chance.

"Fuck, Harry." I said through gritted teeth, hitting with my fist the tree. I looked once again at my old house and turned my back, heading back to my car. Maybe it wasn't meant to be, I thought before I got in my car and drove away.

* * *

When I got back home, I took off my jacket, throwing it on the sofa and walked to Amelia's room. She was standing near the window,  looking outside. I sighed and knocked on the door to catch her attention. She jumped a bit from surprise, making me chuckle. Then she looked at me.

"I thought you might want to go to the bathroom to take a shower or something." I said in a low voice and she nodded her head. She walked outside and I took some clothes from the wardrobe to give them to her.

"Thank you." she whispered.

"Be quick." I said, sounding a bit harsher than I intended to sound. She got inside and closed the door.

Okay,now, Styles, it's time to relax

I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge taking out a can of beer and walked back. I sat on the sofa, putting my feet up on the coffee table. I took out the packet of cigarettes that I bought today from my jacket and lit one up.

"That's it." I said, leaning my head back and closed my eyes. 

I placed the cigarette between my lips, taking a drag of it to fill my lungs with smoke and then I blew it out slowly. I opened my eyes as I saw the smoke disappear in the air and then did the same again. I was sitting there with my drink and cigarette, humming a song, until I felt someone sit beside me on the empty spot on the sofa. I opened my eyes and saw Amelia sitting there, looking at me with her big blue eyes that haunted my dreams for the last few days. Her hair was wet and water was dripping from it wetting a bit the t-shirt she was wearing. She continued staring at me.

"What are you looking at?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"You." she said coolly and I laughed a bit. When I looked at her, she had a smile on her face too. What? Was she smiling?

"Haven't your parents told you not to stare? It's rude." I said, looking her in the eyes and she blushed a bit, looking down at her hands. I put my cigarette and feet down, sitting better.

"Can I ask you something?" she asked me with her soft voice.

"Yeah." I replied, turning to look at her properly.

"What are you going to do with me?" she asked, her voice trembling. I blinked a few times and opened my mouth to speak.

"When I finish my job here, I will let you go. But now I can't do that. You know too much." I said and she nodded.

"So you aren't going to kill me?" she asked again. I placed my hand on her shoulder, taking her by surprise. She looked at me.

"No. I wouldn't hurt you. Never again." I reassured her. I hadn't realised how close I had come to her until I could hear her shaky breathing. My face was so close to hers and neither of us broke eye contact. She took her bottom lip between her teeth, driving me crazy. She looked so innocent... So pure... She was an angel.

"What are you doing to me, Amelia?" I asked her, leaning closer so our lips were just inches apart. I took her face in my hands, my thumb slightly touching her bottom lip.

"Harry." she whispered, closing her eyes. I was so close to kissing her...So close. 

And that's when I heard my phone ring, making Amelia pull away from my hands, scared. Fuck! I took my phone in my hand, without looking who was calling and answered it.

"What? I asked feeling annoyed. "Leonard?"

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