× One way home × Chapter 18.

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23 years later

Realm of snow


" Victoria, you need to calm down. Victor is most likely just trying to find good sticks. " Walter said annoyed. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and let out a cold breath.

" How can I calm down?! Mother told me to watch over Victor! If I say I lost him, they are going to send me to the Red wood forest! " Victoria said while pacing around the snow.

The three children of Vin and Harriet had decided to make a snowman. Walter - the oldest - wanted to join in to make sure they didn't die from a bear.

Victoria - the middle child - wanted to go out since it was not snowing.

Victor - the youngest one - was bored and it was his idea to make the snowman.

Now Victor had gotten lost while trying to find sticks, but Victoria was worried for him. Walter just tried to be a therapist.

" Victoria! Walter! " A cheery coice yelped from their left. The pair quickly turned their head and looked at the slowly growing figure of Victor.

" BEAR ALEEERT- " Victor said while zooming by. Victoria and Walter both started running back to the cabin, not even daring to look back.


Vin and Harriet were sipping cups of hot chocolate. They didn't have time alone too often after the birth of Walter. It was nice to stare at the fireplace in a nice, quiet enviroment. They were laughing on and on about how dumb they were as children.

" AAAAAH- Owh fuck " Victor said as he slammed into a wall near the door. Victoria and Walter came quickly after and slammed the door shut while steadying their breathing.

" First off, language Victor. Second off.. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU RUNNING INSIDE THE HOUSE?! " Vin said calmly before getting up the sofa and staring at the trio with disbelief.

Walter walked forwards and cleared his throat before he started speaking in his rather deep voice.

" We were making a snowman, mother and father. Then Victor went out to look for sticks. Well me and Victoria stayed behind to watch over the snowman, and then Victor zoomed by and yelled bear alert. " He murmured the part where they let Victor go alone. Of course he was 16 already, but my goodness he was a job to watch over.

Vin and Victor were quite alike.

Harriet and Victoria were quite alike.

Walter had started acting like one of mother and fathers dearest friends, Lucifer.

" Didn't we warn you about the bears in the forest? Remember the tale I told you about when me and your mother met? " Vin asked while putting his hand on his hip.

" Yeah, yeah.. don't follow the growling and rustling. We get it dad " Victoria said while walking towards the kitchen and making herself a cup of hot chocolate.

The two brothers walked to their room which had a 3rd bed for Victoria. The older brother took out poker cards and started to play with Victor.

Victoria soon came to the room aswelll, though she had a cup of hot chocolate and she sat on the desk chair. She took out a book and started drawing.

"What are you doing, big sis? " Victor questioned while poking his head over Victorias shoulder. Victoria took the book and showed it to Victor.

" Drawing mother and father. It's going to be christmas soon, it would be a nice gift. " She said calmly as she went back to sketching.

Victor just looked back at his older brother, who shrugged as an answer. The both just shrugged after a while and went back to gaming. It was finally calm and quiet again.




" YOU ASSHOLE! WALTER YOU CAN'T PUT A QUEEN OF HEARTS ON A NINE! " Vin and Harriet heard from the childrens room.

" Victor is definetly you. " Harriet said while laughing. Her and Vin just wheezed at how Victor became a mix of Darew and Vin.

" Just wait up.. YOU BOTH ASSHOLES HAVE LANGUAGE AND SHUT THE FUCK UP! " Harriet yelled before sliding on the sofa while wheezing.

Is this why some people congratulate you before you die? No, they just do it to mock you. Death is sometimes better than living. Just sometimes.


End of Chapter 18.

Word count: 705

A/N - I felt productive and I was in a 6 hour car ride, so you may have a second chapter today! Also I just wanted you to meet Harriets and Vins children, Walter ( 19 ), Victoria ( 17 ) and Victor ( 16 ) Faurlen!

And yes Faurlen is Vin's last name

Have a good weekend, love you <3

Bunny is hopping out <3

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