× One way home × Chapter 4.

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Paris, France


It was a cold monday morning in France. Harriet was walking around looking at all the people that greeted her. She was used to this by now, knowing her aunt was royal blood.

Harriet wasn't bothered by it. She was however bothered when people would compare her to her aunt and cousin.

" Oh! You look so much like your beautiful auntie. What was your name again dearie? "

" Your cousins are so perfect, i wonder how that didn't run in the family. "

" You could be royal, if only you looked a bit more like Jane. She is so pretty with her silky black hair and yours looks.. messy. "

She was used to hearing all of this. No one should be, but she was. She was used to comparing. Even though she was used to it, it still hurt.



Paris palace, France


Harriet was talking with her cousin, Jane Hampth. They were talking about all of  the royal things, how Jane will be the new ruler and so on.

They were walking around the palace garden and they were talking on and on about everything. Suddenly, someone pushed Jane and Harriet into the garden pond.

The same hooded figure held Jane under the water, slowly drowning her. Harriet just looked in horror, as she saw her only cousin drown. She tried to form words, but nothing came out. Not even a squeak.

Soon enough, the crown-princess Jane had drowned. Infront of her cousin she loved oh-so-much. The guards came running to the garden when Harriet was finally able to scream.

The guards saw Harriet infront of the - now dead - princess. They took Harriet and carried her to her doom.



Town center


The sound of the guillotine hitting the end echoed through the full streets. Everyone went silent, when they heard the one name they never thought to be killed in such a way
Harriet Chaunte


End of Chapter 4.
Word count: 327

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