× One way home × Chapter 9.

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The boys let Vin out after they regonized the glowing boy to be their friend from years ago.

" I'm not too sure who this lady is though, but she looks boring. " Peter said while pointing at her.

" She is one of my friends who I need to get to a place! " Vin said to Pan, which made him look at the both of them.

" Boys, let her out aswell. " The boys did as commanded and opened the door to her cage. She looked at Vin, as  a glare.

Harriet slowly crawled out of the cage, keeping her eyes to the ground beneath her feet.

" So, Vin's friend, who are you? " Peter asked while crossing his arms. He was wearing the well-known smirk on his face.

" Chaunte. " Harriet answered quickly, still nervous from the cage. Peter rose his brows.

" Chaunte who? " He asked sounding confused.

" Harriet. Harriet Chaunte. " She said more quickly than she intended to.

" Ooh, the Chaunte. Daughter of Maria  Chaunte and William Chaunte? Younger cousin of Jane Hampht. " He asked confirming if it was really the person he had heard about.

Harriet nodded, looking at Vin who looked at her with a slight worry on his face.

" We need to get to the Red wood forest. " Harriet said, trying to sound confidence and looked at Pan.

" Red wood forest? Without adventure? That's boring! " He whined, which made Harriet chuckle. He was more funnier than people made him.

" Oh yeah! Adventure sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe we can go run in the forest? It would be so fun like when I was a child! " Vin beamed with light.

Soon, they were at the edge of the forest in the beach, looking deep inside the leafy forest.

" Come on, let's go! " Peter said while waving his arm to follow him. Harriet looked at the forest while taking in all of its beauty.

" Oh crappie doodle! " Vin breathed out while grabbing Harriet's arm.

" Eh? What's wrong Vin? " Peter questioned while we were catching up to him.

" CODE HOOK! CODE CAPTAIN JAM-JAM HOOK! " Vin screeched in between his quickened breathing. Harriet turned her head and saw pirates following them.

" Oh my dear lord... " She said as they quickened their pace.

" Run, Lost boy Vinnie! " Peter said as he suddenly took Vin's arm.

After running for a few more minutes, he pulled them into a cave. He shushed Harriet's mouth before she could say anything.

" That was close, but that was fun, what do you say? " He asked after the Pirates had ran past them.

" Never again.. what would have happened if they caught us!? " Harriet protested. She was still processing all that happened in the past 5 minutes.

" Uhhmm.. we would have probably lost our life right then and there! " He said with so much energy Harriet thought he was a killer.

" Your adventures are psychotic.. " Vin and Harriet said in unison.


End of Chapter 9.
Word count: 492

A/N - This chapter was inspired by Ruth B.'s lost boy. I recommend you check the music video out!

Bunny is hopping out! <3

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