× One way home × Chapter 2.

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The realm of snow


Harriet woke up under a pile of snow, frowning even more than she had once she saw it. She felt like laying down and falling asleep, waiting for her journey to end there.

After what felt like hours, She finally decided to  punch the ice with her boney hand. She was suprised when she noticed it wasn't frozen, and she got out of there as quickly as she could.

She looked around, noticing the scene hadn't changed. She saw something was different though. The harsh snow storm that was roaring through the air was gone. Atleast something was better.

Harriet looked into the forest, noticing she could see it a bit clearer now. She lifted her feet, quickly turning it into a sprint towards the forest.

She  looked around, seeing the sky turned into a slightly lighter blue. She kept running forward, now completely out of breath. After Harriet had ran for a couple of minutes, she came to a stop.

She looked around her, noticing it was much brighter than what it was at the start of the forest. Harriet also noticed something she wasn't expecting...

She heard rustling in one of the bushes, and with the very little oxygen she had left in her lungs, she ran towards the sound.

She made it to a small clearing in the forest, standing in the edge of it by a snow covered tree and a slightly exposed spruce tree. She looked forward and kept looking at the field, out of breath.

Suddenly, something grabbed her arm and pulled her towards their figure. Harriet was very slow in realizing this, and by the time she realized what had happened, her mouth was covered with a warm hand.

" Calm down! I'm trying to keep ya safe, bud. " The person whisper-yelled to her. Harriet wanted to turn around, but it was almost impossible with the space she had.

When a couple of minutes passed by, the mouth finally removed itself. Harriet quickly turned towards the figure to see a glowing person. And a happy one at that.

The figure

The figure

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End of Chapter 2.
Word count: 360

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