× One way home × Chapter 16.

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Sent's house



" So, what you're saying is that we need to go beg for the Queen to let us go through the portal? DO YOU KNOW HOW IMPOSSIBLE THAT IS?! " Vin yelled at Sent, who gave that ridiculous idea. Harriet didn't think it was bad, but considering Vin's reaction, it was.

Sent shrugged his shoulders, giving no reaction to Vin screaming at the top of his lungs. Harriet chuckled at his carefreeness, but from what she knew, Vin was right.

It was near Impossible to make the Queen change her mind after she made a choice.

So the two got ready to get yelled at, walked out the door and headed to the portal the Queen was seated infront of.

. . . . . . . . . .

" When I become queen, you will become my royal guard, isn't that right, Harriet? " Jane asked Harriet while holding up her pinky.

The younger cousin gladly accepted and curled her pinky with Jane.

" I promise! I will keep you safe and sound and will serve you till I die, my queen. " She said bowing down to her royal cousin.

" Till we live happily ever after! "

. . . . . . . . . .

" Till we live happily ever after.. " Harriet mumbled while strolling behind Vin. Vin looked at her confused.

" Did ya say somethin', Har? " He asked while looking at her. Harriet looked at Vin and laughed a bit. The giggle soon turned into a happy laughter, and Vin couldn't help but join in.

" H-Har? That is the.. Haha- Best nickname you can make? " She wheezed in between laughs. To her the nickname was hilarious.

" What? You want me to call you something like ' Oh you mighty queen Harriet Chaunte of France! ' ? " Vin asked crossing his arms and huffing before continuing to laugh.

" Sure! That sounds better, you mighty guard of the undercove village. " Harriet said while lifting her skirt a bit and giving a bow.

This is what Harriet liked about Vin. No matter if the memory was sad or unpleasant, he made it new and loveable.

The two linked arms and started happily walking towards the portal. The place where they had one last chance to get Harriet to Heaven.

The one last day they have together.

They arrived at the portal, surprised to see it open and swirling with power. No Queen or guards watching it. It looked too good to be true.

Probably because it was.

As soon as they stepped forward, atleast 10 guards and the Queen came infront of them, blocking the pair from entering the swirling portal.

" You really thought you could get through this portal, into Heaven, after I STRICTLY forbid it! " The Queen's voice rang around the cave, shaking the spikes and getting people out of their houses.

The people looked horrified. They were scared. They weren't safe.

. . . . . . . . . .

" When you become queen, you will surely make everyone love you! " Harriet said while brushing and braiding Jane's hair.

" I won't get everyone to love me. I will make sure they feel safe under my kingdom, though. If they don't, that means I'm a bad ruler. " Jane said while puffing her cheeks and lifting her chin up.

Harriet pushed Jane's head down to get the braid to go straight. This was one of the rare times Jane let Harriet touch her hair. She didn't think she was filthy, she just didn't want Harriet to feel like a maid.

" Mhmm.. Well I know that you will keep everyone safe and sound! They will trust you. "

. . . . . . . . . .

Harriet looked at all the citizen and then back at the Queen. She may not be her cousin, but she has no right to make her people fear. A queen is someone who makes the people feel safe and happy.

Harriet stepped forward, and Vin quickly took her by the arm. Harriet looked back and him and nodded. Vin let go and backed away a bit.

It was now or never.

She took a step forward.

And another...

And another...

And another...

And one, final step forward.

She stood infront of the Queen, looking up at her furious and a little bit shocked face.

Everyone held their breaths. One wrong move and the guards would commit bloody murder on the small, 16 year old girl.

" You are not a real queen. You are a torturer and a liar. You are not trustworthy! " Harriet yelled at the Queen, making her look even more shocked. Harriet was now the furious one.

She was furious of what the Queen made the citizen do. It was like she held them with a sword to their neck. One panicked, helpless scream and they would be off with their heads.

"How dare you talk to your queen that way, you ungrateful brat! Guards, off with her head! " The Queen yelled with so much power and despair. In her eyes, Harriet was just a small ant she could crush.

" You are not my queen. My queen is the future queen of France, Jane Hampht, who treats people with fairness and died at 18! " Harriet yelled at the top of lungs.

The spikes in the cave shook from the echo and some mothers covered their childrens eyes or pushed them inside the house, so they wouldn't see the bloody show.

The echoes still shook the cave and little by little, echo by echo one spike cracked.

Crack, crack, drop.

The spike started falling and the citizen started screaming and warning Harriet. She was confused, and when she looked back up.

The Queen was dead. The spike had fallen on top of her. She slowly wobbled and fell to the ground.

It was dead silent

Everyone was on the verge of crying from happiness and panicking for the young girls sake.

The guards looked up aswell, quickly backing away from the portal. Harriet took this chance and turned around on her heel, ran to Vin and sprinted towards the portal.

Vin and Harriet ran the stairs up to the portal, breathing heavily after the huge stairs.

One last step forward...

They were in Heaven


End of Chapter 16.

Word count: 1000

A/N - They made it! There will be one last twist to this story, and then there will be some future chapters that talk about their life after the trip...

Bunny is hopping out <3

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