× One way home × Chapter 7.

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" So, you are the cousin of Jane Hampht? It is a pleasure to meet you. "

Harriet only nodded slightly, feeling a little bit more comfortable. This vampire seemed really well behaved.

Suddenly, the silence broke when someone yelled from the distance.

" LUCIFER, WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU PUT MY LEGEND OF ZELDA!? " Someone screeched loudly. Lucifer turned towards the yelling figure and sighed.

" Kevin, I don't know where your game is. I think I saw Darew took it. I belive he is who you are looking for " Lucifer said calmly.

" OH I'LL KILL THAT HOMICIDIAL LIU WANN- Who the fuck is this gal? "

Kevin looked overly confused, which made Harriet and Vin chuckle

" This is Ms. Chaunte. The - now dead - crown princess Jane Hampht's younger cousin. "

Harriet just stood there, still not too stable to handle the mention of her dead cousin.

" Hey, Vin can we change the topic? I am feeling quite uncomfortable. " She whispered to Vin, who listened very well.

" Hey guys, do you remember where is the portal to the Desert realm? " Vin asked to stop the bickering between the 2.

" Oh yes, it is 2 miles to the right and then spin around for a couple of times. Then go to the direction you stop in and you will find it! "


End of Chapter 7.
Word count: 223

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