× One way home × Chapter 11.

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" It was a good thing we stopped by, aye Peter? " Vin asked while smiling at his friend. Peter nodded while smiling back.

" It was a good thing indeed! It was also a pleasure to meet this beauty. " Peter said while looking towards Harriet. Harriet smiled in return.

" Well, we 'oughta go now. See ya later, Peter! " Vin waved at him while walking towrds the beach with Harriet.

" So we will go to the Red wood forest now? " Harriet asked while looking at Vin. He nodded while pointing towards a portal that appeared again.

" Race ya there, princess! " Vin yelled as he took of running. Harriet giggled while she started running after him, laughing all the way.

" You shall go first, oh mighty queen. " Vin said while doing an over-the-top bow. Harriet walked into the portal to be greeted by a beautiful forest.

The forest was filled with tall Red wood trees and berry bushes. It also had some sort of mud instead of grass. The place looked absolutely magical.

Vin came through the portal while she was looking around. " Pretty ain't it? " He asked while looking at every step Harriet took.

" It is absolutely breath-taking. " She breathed out while still looking around.

After she was done looking at the beauty the forest held, they started walking down a path. They had no rush, since the portal wasn't too far off.

They were walking along the path, when they heard rustling from the bushes.

Soon a bunny jumped out of the bush, startling Harriet. After she realized the grey-furred friend was a bunny, she kneeled down and put her arm out.

"Awwh, it is quite adorable. " She said while petting the fur. Vin hummed in agreement and walked closer.

The bunny suddenly tensed under Harriets touch which surprised them both. They heard more rustling from the bushes.

Then they heard a growl come not too far off.


End of Chapter 11.
Word count: 328

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