× One way home × Chapter 8.

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After walking for an hour, they finally found the portal.

" So, this is the portal to the Desert realm? " Harriet questioned, double-checking.

" Yup! After this we still have Neverland, Red wood forest and maybe if we get lucky, the Fairy cave! "

Vin was surprisingly energetic considering all the walking they did. Harriet didn't mind it though.

" Another portal, another adventure! " He said squealing like a little girl. Harriet just smiled, liking how he was so worry-free.

They entered the portal, getting into sunny place.


Time skip


After walking around the dessert for what felt like hours, they found a portal surrounded by yellow glittering substance.

"Oh yay! The Neverland portal! Maybe we can see Peter while going through. "

After walking through the portal, Harriet looked around in surprise. This was the Neverland island, like in the storybook she had read when she was a child.

" Woahh... it is so magical. I thought this place was fictional. " She gasped out in awe.

" Who are you and what are you doing in Neverland?! " Somebody yelled from behind them. Before Harriet could even react, something hit her and she passed into a dreamless sleep.


After a few minutes of dreamless sleep, she woke up. Her eyes fluttered open to see herself in a bamboo cage.

" Harriet! Harriet are you awake? " A voice she regonized as Vin asked her. She only mumbled a quiet ' yes ' before she heard chattering in the distance.

" -alking around and then we saw them! " Harriet heard one of the voices say.

" Well, show me them. " Another voice said.

Suddenly, the cages were dropped down to the ground, which made Harriet and Vin wince a bit.

" That one is Vin, the small kiddo from 8 years ago. " The boy with hazelnut hair pointed at Vin. That's when it hit her, that was Peter Pan.


End od Chapter 8.
Word count: 314

A/N - Vin is 19 and Harriet is 16, so they look like adults. Vin first visited Neverland when he was 11 with his friend Sent.

( Sent will be introduced later on )

Bunny is hopping out <3

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