
Start from the beginning

"don't touch me! let me go!"

the tied up boy started shaking his body violently making the other flinch back from him who was ignoring his words like they are not even reaching his ears but no matter how much the blond tries the chains that were holding him were so strong and he was nothing but a weakened in front of them, the river of vulnerability started flowing from his eyes as he let his head fall from exhaustion giving up like a goat under a butcher's knife after feeling every bit of his soul leaving his body with the draining blood  

Taehyung's hands fondled his wrists making Jimin snap his head up with the remaining life in him "I said don't fucking touch me!" he screeched eyes filled with loath for the other like they  were never tender for him, and Taehyung ignored his screams as if they aren't bothering him even a little bit while he strokes his wrists that were bruised from all the pulling and shaking, a sickening smile never leaves Taehyung lips that creeps the hostage boy  

the ravenette leaned and plant a fragile kiss on his wounds and let his lips stay there longer inhaling the shorter's scent like a drug he was craving for so long feeding his addiction while Jimin stared at him with wide eyes the feeling itself was terrorizing the inhumanity in other's acts horrifies him as he tore his gaze from him and looked around anywhere but him 

but the walls caging Jimin were not a sight to see either as every wall had his pictures hanging around, some he remembers from back then where they were still together like stars and moon but some weren't from long ago maybe from yesterday or a day before, anxiousness rose within him as fear intoxicated his veins, his legs trembled and gradually lost more of their strength

he wasn't hallucinating things there was someone keeping an eye on him even where no one should see him, the humiliating pictures were hanging high above and he never felt so exposed even when he was forced to lay naked in front of the ravenette and he stared at his body for hours like he was a gold trophy that he succeded, warm tears that were stopped from the rage started blooming again 

the shorter male bites back the whimpers trying to escape through his mouth as his eyes travel to the silhouette standing in the corner of the room which caused his body to blench in fear and for some minutes Jimin felt like his self is staring back at him but dead, and it took him some moments to contain his fastened heart and realize it wasn't alive but a made up doll from plastic

every feature of it matched with Jimin's not leaving any detail, the cherry blossom cheeks to rose petals lips, crescent moon eyes with the exact shade of caramel of his iris all paired up with his small button nose, his skin painted in pearl shade with splotches of rouge, wearing his favorite pair of jeans and cardigan, it was his clone 

and Jimin wants nothing but to run away from here or erase this atrocious sight from his brain which petrifies him making him unable to move as he looks at the mannequin with frightened eyes, Taehyung looked up at him with a sweet venomous smile plastered on his mole-d lips he tilted his head seeing the frozen Jimin as his eyes followed where he is looking at  

his smile reached his eyes thinking his masterpiece stunned his lover "isn't it so beautiful...not as pretty as you but it's the best art I've ever created" he mumbled, pride coated on his tongue eyes mesmerized by the chaotic art he had created that definitely become jimin's nightmare who looked at him in shock and terror

 "When you weren't there he accompanied me doesn't he look just like you? but he doesn't talk to me just like you"

Taehyung complained with a pout forming on his lips, Jimin was silent his eyes frantically enlarged and mouth agape, there were no thoughts in his barren land of a mind, what could possibly be worse than this? his lover he has once loved more than the moon could ever love the stars wasn't just a merely manic possessive boyfriend, he was a psychopath— and that wasn't a revelation Jimin hadn't realized before, he was well aware of the abomination this creature was

but never in his worst, wildest, and most gore dreams did he ever picture this, this amount of cruelty painted with love-- but Jimin was far from naive, this time he knew this wasn't love, just like he had realized days ago that what Taehyung did wasn't out of love but insanity just like that, he realized that what this is isn't love it's pure and utmost lack of sanity 

no words could ever sum up the disgust that rose up the boy's throat, but then again what he had realized the other day was no way near to what this was, this wasn't just an epiphany of how psychotic Taehyung is, no, this was a realization of how obsessively disgusting Taehyung is and to what limits this boy could go just to fulfill his deranged desires 

"This...this isn't love...you never loved me Taehyung" 

Jimin muttered, lost in the abyss of his own devastating thoughts to realize the words coming out of his mouth that reached the other's ears like a snapping venom, "don't say that chim" the raged sparks in his eyes as his ones softened warm voice turned into the raging fire "look around can't you see how much I love you! every corner of my world is filled with you and you say I don't love you?" he questioned rumbling like a peal of thunder with bloodshot eyes staring in jimin's soul 

"You don't love me Taehyung, you are an obsessive psychotic maniac!" Jimin screamed back veins popping from his neck just like his heart out of his chest not having the courage to bear any more pain the other was causing as his head also gives up  holding back the hurricane of rage and anger but in response to the tempest Jimin received a calm whisper like a velvet breeze embracing him warmly 

"I'm not a maniac Jimin, I'm a lover.... your lover"

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