11-𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬

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Jimin's heart wanted to turn around and tear his gaze from the appalling scene but his body froze his breathe unsteady like he ran a marathon in the cold nights of December but his body was on fire burning from inside, his throat was drying out eager for just a taste

The loud noises was blurring in his ears and the sparkling lights was fading away as his gaze was fixed on those abstruse eyes and  he couldn't look away from them, never did he ever lost control over his body, but right now it was longing for something he couldn't reach, something far from his bright world, like the day keen for the darkness, but the bridge to the darkhole break from the high pitched voice calling his name

"Jimin! come here!"

His eyes travels to the owner of the voice, jin was waving his hand sitting on the side of the couch jimin waved back walking towards him, he could sense the pair of eyes still on him following his every step as he approached jin who stood up side-hugging him "I'm so happy to see you here, wow look at you, you look so gorgeous"

"Thank you"

Jimin slightly blushed smoothing his star-printed grey cardigan on top of dark khaki green shirt with black pants, and tingling earring in one ear was completing his simple outfit but what was making him stand out in dozens of people was his beauty which didn't needed any expensive or extra clothings to make him shine in the bright lights of the party

"Everyone this is Park Jimin he's actually taehyung's roommate but he's my friend"

Jin caught everyone's attention introducing jimin to the group who shyly bowed in greeting, "you didn't tell me about your pretty roommate no wonder why you spent the whole week easily in your room" jungkook teasingly whispered in taehyung's ear who seemed to get struck by the lightening of the angel

"don't bullshit about him"

Taehyung retorted clenching his jaw tightly, jungkook took the warning and sighed back in his seat with a shrug, and for a moment their eyes met again but jimin jerk his stare away avoiding the contact, taehyung tilts his head in confusion keeping his eyes on the small boy who snuggle beside jin on the other couch after talking little with everyone, and the tattoo boy don't want to look away, liking the view a little too much

"Do you want something?"

Jin asked the little boy clenched to his side looking around like a puppy seeing the world for the first time, but it was the first time jimin was seeing it all and it was getting hard for him to digest the scenes Infront of him no one told him in the parties he was dying to go people will be eating eachother's faces, and the alcohol he once tasted will smell this bad if it is in a larger amount

Even when his one half was screaming him to run away his other half was liking it, everyone looked happy like they don't have any worries in their lives and it was making him happy too, the smiling faces joking about nothing was giving him the sense of joy, he definitely was a party person, a social butterfly which needed to spread his wings

He nodded his head and jin stood up leaving him on the couch alone but the seat soon got replaced by an unknown boy "you can have this, it's amazing" jimin took the glass thanking the stranger boy with warm smile and gulped the liquid down to his thirsty throat, the boy watching him shakes his head in disbelief

The sour liquid burn down in his system exploding different chemicals and jimin felt his stomach having fireworks burning his whole body on fire, his head felt a little heavier as the boy waved Infront of his face getting him out of his feels, "did it have alcohol?" Jimin asked as his voice turned raspier from the alcohol

"You don't drink?" He asked after nodding his head jimin shook his head in response "oh sorry i didn't know.... but you should try new things you know..." he leaned closer to whisper in jimin's ear as his hot breath tickles on the blonde boy's milky skin, jimin scoot back making distance between them as he puts his hand behind jimin's back smiling mysteriously moving it in motions

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