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Taehyung was out and jimin was alone again with his mind entering the space of overthinking the past three days after their first proper night's love was the best days of their relationship, they made love at night, and taehyung showed jimin the best aftercare making him live in a cycle of a fairytale love, which jimin was loving exploring new things every day

it shouldn't be a problem when everything was fine but the thing that was crumbling jimin's heart was the nights he thought was love turned out to be a price he had to pay for having back the taehyung he fell in love with not the one taehyung turned with the passing time and the thought was killing jimin did he have to pay for his love? the bubble burst when jimin refused the raven head for spending another night doing the sinful ritual by telling him he is tired and still sore from their hardcore morning routine

and taehyung's caring side switched off like a button, today jimin woke up to a cold bed instead of sweet morning kisses that soon turns into something else because the fuel in taehyung's car seems to never end and jimin was the road he wanted to drive every minute of his life, forgetting he is a human, even though the blond boy loves the journey but he needed to rest. his mortal body wasn't keeping up with the speed of sex god

taehyung was like an animal that needed to be fed and jimin didn't know it when he walked into his cage with his arousing scent blowing the mind of the monster who was famished for so long, calming his hunger by eating little insects in the field and jimin walks in like a fresh feast he was starving for, but like a pull of the chains around the animal's neck dragging him away from his meal for making him behave the universe made him fall in love with their angel instead

but the gods didn't know they were raising the evil beast who turned into the worst monster, jimin's love turned the cold cage into a warm home for him for which he can destroy the whole universe if it ever dared to take him away from him, Kim taehyung in love was the danger the world was never prepared for

jimin's mind was buried in thoughts when the knock on his room's door pulled him out of the grave of his mind, he stood up thinking of meeting with his lover's face because it was the only face he was allowed to see or talk to but he met with the man who reminded him of the humiliation he went through some days ago at taehyung's house

"h-hi" jimin greeted with a bow not forgetting his manners the other returned the gesture with a pleasing smile "taehyung is out," jimin deadpanned said to taehyung's brother "I know" he added making jimin frown in confusion "I came here to talk to you" jimin's eyes widened as he pointed his index finger at himself "m-me?" his stomach twisted with nervousness and the other noticed "don't worry I'm not scary like my father" he chuckled to lighten up the air around them that was filled with tension

jimin nodded his head before inhaling a deep breath he walks to the side hesitantly inviting him in as taehyung's words echoed in the back of his head "you are not allowed to invite anyone in our room, do you get that!" his demonic screams and the shattering sound of breaking things makes goosebumps rise on his skin even at the thought of it

"he won't be mad it's his brother.... right?"

he thinks to himself and joined the man on the couch "w-what do you want to talk about?" he asked glancing at the clock and checking if it is time for taehyung to come back the clock was ticking 10 o'clock there was still a lot of time for him to come back, taehyung always comes after midnight ones he goes out against his school schedule "I want you to be completely honest with me and set aside all of your fears and I promise I will protect you from any harm"

jimin squints his eyes in confusion "what are you talking about?" the fear of taehyung faded as another one takes its place "did taehyung threaten you to be with him in any way?" Kim Jihoon said making panic rise on jimin's face "look you don't have to feel pressured, I know its hard 'cause you don't even know me but trust me if you are in trouble with taehyung I'm the only person who can protect you from him"

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