5- 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐬

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The half moon closer to full and far from cresent peaks out of the blotches of clouds being the only source of light of the gloomy alleyway in the murk night as the boy standing at the corner resting his back on the dirt wall lights up his cigarette inhaling a large puff of smoke feeling satisfaction after the sensation of his inner organs burning

His long raven hair bloating in the cold breeze revealing his devilish face, skin shining gold from the dim moonlight fading out of the fog of clouds, his lips tug up in a smirk as he heard footsteps approaching him, his long wait has finally reached its horizon, he puts his lightened up cigarette in between his lips

And tugs his hair back tieing them in a bun now when his curly tendrils were out of his sight he could see a lousy man walking towards him, his clothes were dunked in the dirt, the long-haired male could smell the cheap alcohol even from afar, his beard and tangled hair was telling how long it had been since he last took a hair cut or even a shower

He was taking slow and tranquil steps toward the boy, mistaking him to be his next prey but little did he knows the only one who's going to be haunted tonight is him, himself, a drunken man takes out the knife from his pocket and flipped it opened and puts it right on the boy's stomach giving it a light pressure just right amount to make him feel a rush of fear

"Takes out whatever you have kid don't make me repeat myself"

He whispered leaning toward the boy who chuckles humorlessly and the darkness in the sound makes the man's skin crawl, he digs the knife further into his stomach it crossed through the material of his shirt digging in his flash, taehyung held his wrist and twisted it back making the man scream in pain

"You jumped into your own grave"

The sickening smile twisted on his lips, and the knife dropped from the man's hand on the bumpy floor, he held the man from the back of his head and slammed his head against the wall, the man let out a howl of anguish, taehyung takes out the dagger from his jacket and aim it at his neck

"W-what the fuck?! leave me.."

The bearded man tries to combat him but failed due to lack of energy in his body after wasting himself on drugs and alcohol, taehyung sucked the air in laughing like a maniac as he digs the dagger deep into the man's chest again and again the whole alleyway echoes with taehyung's laughter and the painful screams of his victim

Scarlet liquid splatters across his face glossing his deadly features, when he was satisfied with the hole in the man's body even after stabbing him till his soul left his body taehyung tore his shirt and engraved Scorpio on his chest, the more it took him to draw it the more his guilty heart feels satisfied

He sniffed looking at the  masterpiece that he created with his dagger, the bloodied Scorpio painted in scarlet on the heart of his victim, nothing in the world could make taehyung feel better than looking at his artwork, and that was until the very afternoon happened that dragged him out of his wonderland

He could still feel the warmth of pure lips, he traces his lips with his bloodied fingertips, remembering how the cherry lips tasted, how he felt so high looking into the caramel orbs, the way the fairy struggled in his hold to fly, suddenly with the flashbacks of the sweets the bitterness of jimin's sobs came to souring his throat

Taehyung shook his head trying to erase the memory away from his head, he stands up from the ground kicking the body one last time in his guts before walking away as if nothing happened, like he didn't take life from his bare hands in the cruelest way


The night was still dark when taehyung opened his room's door and the crack sound makes jimin doze out of his slumber, he stares at taehyung who looked like a mess walking like a zombie his face was paler than usual he had blood splashes on his clothes that makes jimin's eyes widened

'Did he hurt someone again?'

It was the first thing. that came to his head but then when he looked at the other stripping off his jacket and then his black shirt he saw the fresh wound on his abdomen among with other old bruises his heart sank at the sight it was the first time he was seeing someone this hurt

Taehyung throws his clothes on the floor leaving himself only in his pants, he went straight towards his bed glancing at the boy hidden under the covers staring at him with shocked frightened eyes, and when their eyes met he felt the walls of his heart crumble, he tears his gaze away from him and plops down on the mattress that makes his body bounced back a little

Jimin keeps his eyes on the boy and then his eyes travel to his wounds which were bleeding, 'isn't he going to put something on it? It seems deep it probably is hurting real bad should I help him? But he hurt me...' he talks to himself and even though taehyung was a broken home and jimin was better off alone it didn't stop him from standing up and going to his culprit with a first aid kit to cure the wounds of the one who caused him pain not long ago

Taehyung watched the shorter boy step out of his bed and went to his side drawer and takes out the first aid kit and walk towards him sitting on the side of his bed without uttering any word, hanging his head low avoiding his questionable gaze

"what are you doing?"

Taehyung asked as he held the wrist reaching toward his wound stopping him in the air, he gulped down at how his long fingers wrapped around jimin's delicate wrists, every part of jimin was settling perfectly in front of taehyung, he shook the sinful thoughts rising at the back of his head away

"i-im trying to help you"

Jimin lowly mumbled trying to free his hand from the other's grip, taehyung pulled him down from his wrist making him stumble on his chest, jimin let out a surprise gasped at the sudden act, "why are you so eager to help everyone? not even caring if they deserve your help or not" taehyung whispers staring at the pretty boy

"W-we should help others without thinking of who they are"

Jimin whispers looking everywhere that isn't the eyes of the other or that could rescue him from the stare of satan he was stuck in, "whoever taught you these life lessons will make you die one day, mark my words" taehyung left his wrist but jimin didn't move back and kept on glaring at him

"I get it my chest is very comfortable but can you move back that fucking hurts"

He pointed at his wound which was buried under the weight of jimin's arm, the blonde hair male gasped audibly backing away from him apologizing, taehyung sat up as jimin bites his lower lip staring at his bare half which was covered in tattoos

"Like what you see?"

And the comment makes jimin's face heats up as he looks away from him to the cotton bud coated in ointment in his hand which went dry in between their conversation, he dipped it again in the ointment ignoring the other's comment

He blows at the wound before applying it on the wound slowly and carefully, wincing like it was hurting him instead of the demonic boy who was staring
at him in amusement, his lips were tugged up in a smile adoring the cuteness of the blondie

"Does it hurt really bad?"

Jimin asked after finishing his eyes glistening as he would cry at any moment, taehyung shook his head relieving the other a little, "but still you have to be careful wounds like that get infected easily I know you won't see the doctor because you think nothing can hurt you and you'll act all tough ignoring the pain but takes a painkiller at least it'll help you to sleep better"

Even though taehyung wanted to ask what makes the shorter boy think he will ignore his pain he dodged the question and said instead "Uhm... for earlier... I-i didn't mean to... but you pushed me on the edge but still i-i Uhm..." he struggles with his words trying to lift up the weight of the guilt of hurting the poor boy, but it was so hard for a stubborn person like him to utter the simple words of sorry from his mouth

Jimin didn't respond instead he walks away putting the kit in his drawer and hiding under his sheets again, if it were someone else who ignored him like that he won't be able to breathe anymore but something in taehyung doesn't want to hurt the little boy, taehyung sighed resting back on his bed and staring at the ceiling while battling with his thoughts and the sudden noble feelings of his heart

"Why is he making me so weak?"


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