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Jimin's eyes snap open, as the sharp pain still living in the back of his head breaths among him making his eyes squint, he was covered in a cold sweat, and his heart started pounding while he looked cautiously around the strange room paranoid as horror follows him in the minefield, he blinks his eyes trying to clear his vision the whole room had dim lightening as the silver of moon coming from the window was the only source lit up his sight

Wide-shot eyes stare around and met with nothing but himself, his heart sinks like battleships beneath the waves, terror strikes his head with the violent thunder making his skin writhe in shock, his lips curled low trying to prevent the sobs from leaving his mouth, his breathing gets heavier in panic while he tries to detach himself from the chains around his wrists that were holding him down on the metal chair

A loud whimper left his mouth in the struggle, his body shaking like a windchime dancing in the air while he continuously tries to free himself from the grasp of the chains, seeing your face wouldn't haunt you like that but if it's hanging around the whole room which you aren't familiar with not even in your dreams then it didn't look less frightening than your worst nightmares

And the loud noises he was making invites the ghostly guest over whose footsteps rings in jimin's ears like deathly sirens he quickened his movements but it was of no avail as the tall silhouette was already standing in front of him, and the face that belonged to jimin's daydream looked like a nightmare

Taehyung was looking back at him as pale as a ghost, with chapped dried lips like they haven't felt a drop of water pouring on them for days, with dark eyebags under his eyes which were so cold like every last trace of life had drained out of them and for a moment Jimin felt like he wasn't looking at his lover but a graveyard filled with graves of every death he dies


And there it was life flickering in his eyes while he breathed out his name like he was taking his last breath and wanted to call just one name and it was the one he loves the most yet hurt brutally, Taehyung crouched down Infront of Jimin knees crashing to the ground just like his heart with peace

His hands reached to cup jimin's face but he turned his neck in the other direction not letting the ravenette to even touch him, he bites his lower lips nervously before vocalizing his vain apologies

"Jimin-ah please forgive me"

Jimin wince like it had burned his ears hearing the other calling his name so lovingly like he is laying traps to catch the little deer, "baby look at me please I'm sorry" his voice was trembling like a reed in the winds, he reached for jimin's face again and if there was any space Jimin would've used it to get away from the other's cursing touch

And fireworks pops in taehyung's eyes when his starving fingertips touched jimin's cheeks feeding all the emptiness in him, the blond head clenched his jaw and Taehyung could feel his muscles tighten under his fingers "I missed you more than life, my little dove"

"That's why you caged me here!"

He hissed devastated like a bird flapping its broken wings in a golden cage, "n-no, no Jimin I didn't cage you... i-i just wanted to make you feel my love again" taehyung speaks in his defense covering his sins with an invisible sheet which Jimin snatched away "you are making me feel your love with trapping here like this?" He asked not believing the absurdity act other was pulling on, the apocalypse not only taught him numerous lessons but untied the blindfold off his eyes, and now he is well aware of all the evil tricks sinners like him play on saints like him 

"I didn't trap you, min... I just stopped you from leaving me"

eyes brimming with innocence as he speaks so delicately like he will shatter if he raises his voice as he caresses the shell of his cheek with his thumb, the side of his lips curling upwards while doing so, "you are insane taehyung! you are not even realising what you are doing is wrong" Jimin says voice tired from the preposterous doings of taehyung which was causing his head to burst with rage and the fingers grazing his face was making him stand on the edge with frustration overflowing from his mouth 

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