Chapter 11 - Old Enemies

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How did he find me? The Pursuer floated towards me, he raised his ultra-great sword and brought it down towards me, trying to cut me in two.

I rolled to the right, dodging the blow. The Pursuer's sword destroyed the ground below. Right after, I swung my sword towards the Pursuer, but he blocked it with his shield, the Pursuer then pulled his sword back and plunged it into the opening on the side of his shield. I jumped back and the Pursuer's sword just pierced the air.

"Who is this guy?" Godwyn asked.

"The Pursuer, a being responsible for hunting the undead." I replied.

"So he hunts those who live in death?"

"No! He hunts a specific type of undead."

"What type?"

"Cursed undead, like me."

The pursuer's sword glowed blue, and swinging it, a wave of blue energy came towards me. I rolled to the left, dodging it, but the pursuer didn't stop there, blow after blow, several waves of energy came towards me.

I ran around the courtyard of the castle and jumped behind some tombstones, the pursuer kept firing, taking pieces of the tombstone in the process.

"You've fought this guy before, haven't you? How do we finish him off, and with we, I mean you." Godwyn said, taking cover behind the tombstones.

Which didn't help much as his body was much larger than a normal human was.

"First of all, there are several pursuers, but the one with the quiver full of weapons on his back is their leader, the smaller ones don't carry the quiver. Second, if I remember correctly, the Pursuer is resistant against darkness, so my abyss magic won't do much against him."

"What is he weak against exactly?" Godwyn asked.

"He's weak to lightning, can be poisoned, and has low resistance to soul sorcery and pyromancy."

"Do you have any soul or lightning spells?"

"Yes, but my staff and chime aren't the best for that kind of sorcery."

"Better than nothing."

"I agree."

I equipped my Ring of Knowledge and Lingering Dragon Crest Ring, jumped from behind the tombstone, and cast Crystal Soul Spear. The rings on my staff spun with magic, and then a large projectile made of crystallized souls flew towards the pursuer, hitting him squarely in the chest.

Then I cast Crystal Souls Mass. Five orbs of crystallized souls appeared above me. I ran towards the Pursuer. While running, I dragged my staff on blade of my sword and cast Crystal Magic Weapon. My sword was enveloped by magic and sharp crystals covered its blade.

As I approached the Pursuer, I slashed him across the chest, the Crystal Masses shot out and hit the Pursuer in the face, but the Pursuer recovered from my barrage of attacks and hit me in the side of my head with his shield, then he hit me in the face with the front of his shield, throwing me away.

I collided with my back on a tombstone, recovering from the blow; I saw the Pursued floating towards me at great speed, his sword pulled back and his shield protecting his body.

When the pursuer approached, I rolled to the right, and the pursuer's sword pierced the tombstone. As I walked away, I cast Sunlight Spear, hitting the pursuer on the side of his body.

With a sign of strength, the pursuer ripped the sword from the tombstone, swinging it towards me; I jumped back, dodging the debris. The red glow on the pursuer's helm intensified, and the pursuer charged once more.

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