Chapter 15 - In the Company of a Queen

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The Pursuer dashed towards us with his sword raised, I quickly pushed Rennala away, and the Pursuer's sword hit the ground between us.

I thrust my sword aiming at the Pursuer's head, but he stomped the ground, floating backward with the strength of his kick.

"This man doesn't give up in trying killing you, does he?" Godwyn said.

"Yes, but he stopped being a concern and became a nuisance a long time ago." I replied, throwing a Chaos Fireball at the Pursuer.

The Pursuer swung his shield and a gust of wind surged in front of him, blocking the fireball and putting out the fire.

"Was that a war ash?"

"You can bet." Godwyn answered.

"Honey, who is this man?" Rennala asked, getting to her feet.

"He is the Pursuer; he has been trying to kill me for some time now." I replied to the Queen.

The Pursuer sheathed his sword and drew a halberd from the weapons quiver on his back, and then, swung the halberd above his head and leaped with a gust of wind.

The Pursuer dived towards me. I rolled away, and when the Pursuer's blow hit the ground, a gust of wind was released.

"He what?!? How dare he try to hurt you?!?" Rennala exclaimed, casting a line of crystals and firing them at the Pursuer.

The Pursuer was caught off guard, not expecting Rennala to join the fight; and was pierced through the chest repeatedly by the barrage; black smoke coming from where the crystals stuck.

The Pursuer shifted its focus to Rennala and flew toward her, halberd pointed forward like a spear.

I ran towards Rennala and stopped in front of her, when the Pursuer approached, I parried his blow with my sword, making him lose his balance.

I saw Rennala cast a mass of crystals, exploding towards the Pursuer right after, but he raised his shield, protect himself.

The Pursuer regained his footing and thrust the halberd through the opening in his shield.

We stepped out of the way. Rennala floating to the side, casting spells, towards the Pursuer.

The Pursuer floated through the library, dodging and evading the spells, but that left him open to my own.

I cast Crystal Soul Spear and hit the distracted Pursuer, creating a magic explosions followed by a dust cloud, however, I saw a golden light coming from the cloud.

When it dissipated, I saw the pursuer raising a spear and using Golden Vow.

What's going on here? Since when is the Pursuer so smart? He usually acts like a rabid dog, charging headfirst at the enemy.

The Pursuer floated quickly towards me, trying to pierce my heart. I blocked the blow with my sword, but the strength behind it was enough to make my feet slide across the room.

The Pursuer held the spear with both hands and spun it above his head, before trying to pierce me repeatedly.

One step to the left, two to the right, one back and left again, I dodged the barrage of attacks, and blow after blow, the Pursuer missed them all.

In one particular attack, I dodged the spear and spun my body, advancing towards the Pursuer, when I got close enough; I aimed my flame at his head and used Great Combustion.

A flaming blast came from my hand, covering the Pursuer's head with fire and smoke, forcing him back.

Simultaneously Rennala cast a spells barrage towards the Pursuer, but he recovered from my attack and released another gust of wind with his shield, sending the spells away.

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