➪Chapter Fifteen: The school dance

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Enid eyes flickered open. It was finally that day. It was the day Enid was looking forward too since school started.

With everything going on in her life, stress planning was one of the best things she had right now

She even had time to find her a date. what did she look like going without a date or something? She would look like a fool.

Although it wasn't really her fault for who she was going with. Actually she remembered it quite clearly because it happened just yesterday before dinner.

Enid was shocked with Ajax's question. The boy - who she barely talked to anymore- was asking her out. It was strange and very sudden and Enid wasn't sure how to react. She wasn't used to being asked out by boys or anyone for that matter.

She has never been asked out a day in her life. And this year unlike last year the boys were instructed to ask the girls out. That wasn't going to happen for many reasons.

One: Was Enid even still into guys?

Two: she was still massively crushing on Wednesday even if they hadn't spoke to each other in almost 3 weeks.

Three: what if that meant more between the two? What if Ajax thought that he had a chance and he made a move on her?


It felt like cheating. Which it wasn't. Wednesday and Enid left on open terms. They kissed and that's it, Just a stupid simple kiss.

A stupid—heart warming kiss, that Enid craved to have more of.

But that wasn't what this was about. The image of Wednesday needed to break free and out of Enid's head.

"I'll go with you."

Enid frowned at the memory. She didn't want to go with Ajax as anything more than friends and that's what she told him.

He claimed that he understood but it didn't seem as if he did. It seemed like he was trying his best to get with Enid and that he wasn't taking no for an answer, which Enid wasn't too fond of.

"Hey, Enid." Bianca smiled as she walked up to the werewolf.

"Hello Bianca, it's lovely to see you. What's the surprise for?" Enid raised her eye brow.

Bianca shrugged, "I wanted to know if we were still planning the big reveal tonight? I've sent out letters and even called the Addams home phone line and there was no answer. I could try again but it's not looking like Wednesday might not be showing up. Which would also be no point for the whole thing."

Enid sighed as she calmed herself down, "it's not like I was hoping for her to come in the first place. It's typical old Wednesday, she wouldn't show up if her life depended on it. Besides, it would be hard to sneak her in here in the first place."

"So you're going with Ajax? Someone that Wednesday has a strong opinion on?"

Enid shook her head, "yeah well, she promised to be back and she's not here."

"But you broke a promise too. You promised her that you would find a way to get her to stay."

Enid crossed her arms, "maybe not at the moment, but I'm still doing what I need to do. She's the one not making an effort to come back."

"She could be in danger, you don't know anything because you stopped caring and started blogging. You aren't even her girlfriend yet and you're starting at -5 points, good luck keeping a girl like Wednesday."

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